~Chapter 10~

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Staring at the frame in disbelief. Both of you looked at picture of Mirabel standing in front of a dying casita. Tumbling and crashing down to pieces. "What-" suddenly the door opens to reveal Tio Agustin. "Miraboo, put your party pants on because I-" his face turned to one in shock when he saw the green pieces on the table. The both of you tried to cover it up while staring awkwardly at Mirabel's dad.

"I..." Mirabel started, hesitant for a moment before she continued, "We broke into Bruno's tower. I found his last vision. The family is in trouble. The magic is dying. And I'm practically dragging Y/n with me. The house is dying. Luísa's gift is fading and I think it's all because of... me?" she rambles.

Approaching the vision, mouth hung out of shock. The both of you gulped in nervousness while looking at the still shocked man. "Pa?" Mirabel called out. Seeming to snap back into reality he whispered, "We say nothing. This tonight have to be perfect. The De Guzman's leave. The two of you did not break into Bruno's tower. The magic is not dying. The house is not breaking. Luisa's gift is not fading." He says in a mere whisper, stuffing the vision in his pocket before leading the both of you to the door. "No one will know. Just act normal. No one will know" as in cue, the door reveals itself. Dolores staring at the three of you, squeaking that surely caught all of your attention. "I know...Hm!" she whispers before speed running away. All of you stared to where she last left off. "I'll get her" you said before leaving the daughter and father to catch up with Dolores.

Walking around the house you desperately called for Dolores but you can't seem to find her anywhere. "Dolore-" cutting yourself off, you saw your Judy, your cousin standing in front of the entrance with Camilo. Squinting your eyes suspiciously at the both of them. You hid behind the wall. You know this was wrong but your instincts told you so. So many thoughts ran in your mind. Feeling of doubt in your chest. Grumbling you hated the feeling in your stomach, was it perhaps... jealousy? No that can't be. Why would you be jealous. It's just your cousin and Camilo. They're friends . It's normal for friends to hang out right right? The words she spoke next told you otherwise.

"I like you Camilo" this reached your ears almost immediately and when your head peeked out the door. Your heart immediately fell at the heartbreaking sight. Judy kissing Camilo. The more you stare. The more questions ran through your head. What's happening? Why isn't he pushing her? Is this all a lie? Is this a bad dream? Did he really love me? Does he even loved me from the start? The scene displayed was getting unbearable for your heart, it hurts so bad. Getting out of the scene as fast as you can. You stopped at the kitchen feeling the tears pouring out of your eyes. Sobs and hiccups escaped your throat. Crouching down, you hugged your knees close to your chest. You just wanted this feeling to go away.

Breathing shallow breaths. Your eyes started to sting because of all the crying. Wiping the tears in your eyes. Sadness soon turned into anger. How could he do this to me! He played me. This is unacceptable! you thought, crying angry tears in your eyes. "I don't need a boy in my life anyway... boys are stupid" you mumble under your breath. Hearing someone approaching your position you panicked and tried to fix yourself.

"Y/n?" freezing at the familiar voice. Turning around only to be faced by Camilo fricking Madrigal. "Y/n! What happened to you?" he asks in a worried tone. Crouching about to touch you, but before he can get the chance you slapped his hand away. "Don't! Don't touch me!" you spat. Tone full of venom. Glaring daggers at him. Confused at your sudden behavior he asks, "What did I do wrong?" this angered you even more. "Oh, I'll tell you what's wrong. My cousin Judy admitted that she like you and then you just let her kiss you!". His face was full of shock. About to open his mouth and speak you shut him up. "I don't need to hear pity excuses from you. I've seen enough. Did you even love me from the start?!" you yelled confused as hell.

Camilo couldn't say anything. Still trying to process everything. Letting out a weak chuckle, you huffed. "We're over." with those words, Camilo seem to snap back into reality. About to walk away, he prevented it by holding your wrist. "No, please I-" cutting him off once again. You pried his hand off of your hands with immense force before speed walking away from his desperate form. "No! Don't leave me..." he says weakly. His legs giving up on him. Tears started to spill from his eyes while looking at the direction you ran out of.


Keeping a strong façade. You tried to mute all of his pleads and begs of forgiveness. You didn't let yourself be affected of it'll just hurt you more. You kept your back turned not even looking back. Once you were far away, letting out a shaky sigh before looking at your shoes completely motionless. "Is everything alright Y/n?" Alma asks standing beside you. Putting a bright but fake happy smile on your face, nodding. "I'm great!". Smiling at you. She pats your back reassuringly, "How about you join us for dinner?" shocked at the suggestion, looking at her in disbelief. "But tonight is an important night. I'll feel left out since I'm not part of any of this" shaking her head. "Nonsense. You're part of the family now. And Isabella would be happy when things get successful tonight." Thinking about it, you thought about how Isa would be happy and help Mirabel too. But this means you'll have to see that stupid Madrigal one last time. Sighing you agreed. "That's our Y/n. We better hurry" letting out a bitter chuckle, letting Abuela alma lead you to the dining room.

-Camilo's POV-

"What have I done?" Camilo spoke weakly as tears still came out of his eyes. "I ruined everything. Oh god, Y/n I love you. You have no idea" Camilo whispered, sniffling before determination filled his eyes.

'Please Y/n just listen to what I have to say. I can't afford to lose you'

Butterflies//Camilo Madrigal x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now