~Chapter 7~

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Laughter filled the room with a cheery atmosphere. You were sitting on a chair with your sister and Camilo beside you. Sipping your drink, you looked intensely at your food, continuously tapping your finger on the table. You felt Camilo's hand caress your own making you snap back into reality. Camilo gave you a worried look but you reassured him that you were fine by gripping his hand.

"So, what brings you to our home?" your mother asks looking at Camilo's parents who was sitting in front of her with you father beside her eating peacefully.

"Well first of all, I want to congratulate Camilo and Y/n" Abuela Alma says with a smile on her face.

Your father stopped for a moment before looking up confused. "Why?" your father asks with a raised eye brow. "Oh right, I forgot to tell you honey. Camilo and Y/n are together isn't that just great!" your mother says in a bubbly manner. This made your father choke a bit on his drink as he coughed. "What? - did I hear that right?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm sure you heard that right. And I'm wondering when will the wedding be?" Pepa says clapping her hands in excitement as a rainbow formed on top of her. Your siblings eyes widen at this before staring at you intensely with smirks on their faces. You just shrugged awkwardly in response while fidgeting with your fingers under the table. "Amor eh... Aren't they too young to be wed?" Felix asks which made Pepa hum in thought while placing a finger on her chin. "I suppose you're right about that" she mumbled. "Well... since they are young. How about in the age of 25?" you mother suggested making Pepa cheer at the idea. "That sounds great!" she said.

You looked at them with a look of disbelief trying to process everything in your head. 'We just confessed our feelings yesterday and now they are talking about our wedding now?!' you thought staring at Pepa and your mother who continues to chat with each other about your so-called wedding in the future. Your gaze adverted to your father who has a dark aura surrounding him with a shocked looked on his face. Gulping you began to sweat out of nervousness because of your father's reaction.

Pepa and Felix with Abuela Alma decided to head home for it was getting late. Camilo came up to you about to say his goodbyes but was cut off when your father appeared behind you. Your father asked him to come with him so they can talk, which made Camilo bite his lip in both nervousness and in fear when he saw your father's strict cold eyes looking down at his smaller figure. You looked at your father in confusion and heard an 'of course sir lead the way' from Camilo. You looked at both of their figures disappear as they head to the backyard.

After a few minutes Camilo came out letting out a large sigh. Coming up to him to ask him what happened, he only brushed it off saying he was fine. After kissing your cheek and saying 'see you later' he ran heading to his own home. You smiled at the direction where he ran off to feeling flustered but still smiled, you started to head inside with questions you were planning to ask your father.


-Camilo's Pov-

I felt beads of sweat starting to form as we got closer and closer in the backyard. Suddenly, Y/n's father stopped making me bump into his back. I let out a groan in pain shaking my head before apologizing to Y/n's father while rubbing my forehead. "Say, what made you like Y/n or... How much do you like her?" he said making me taken aback with the sudden question. "I- Pardon?" but I felt even more scared when Y/n's father didn't say anything which made me feel awkward. Gulping I tried to form out words. I eventually sighed and finally looked at him in the eyes.
"I don't like her sir!" I shouted.

I saw Y/n's father turn around looking at me in confusion. "I love her sir! I love everything about her! And words can't say or tell how much I love her!" I continued with determination while clutching my ruana. "Ever since I was a kid she... is always there for me..." I trailed off looking at the ground before looking back up. "So I'll make sure to be there for her at all cost and make her happy at all cost even if it kills me!" I shouted, closing my eyes panting slightly before opening one of my eye to see his reaction. Awkward silence filled the atmosphere that you can cut it with a knife, this made me bite my lip and stand in front of him awkwardly.' Idiot! I shouldn't have done that! Now look at what you did' I thought scolding myself, sweating bullets.

"Very well" he said making me perk up with wide eyes. "You may go" he said walking the other direction. When he was finally out of sight, I let out a huge gasp not even aware that I was holding my breath while clutching my chest feeling my heart thump rapidly in my chest. I composed myself before walking in front of the house. Sighing I looked up to see Y/n standing in front of me with a concerned look on her face.

'When did I get this lucky?'

"What happened amor? Did he say anything to you?" she asks. I reassure her that I'm fine paying no mind to her questions. I kissed her cheek making her face flush in response. 'Cute' I squealed. "See you tomorrow amor~" I said before running off to the Casita.

When I got to bed I sighed once more looking at the ceiling before closing my eyes to dreamland.

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