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April 21, 2008

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April 21, 2008

Fear. An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

That was what Naya felt as she ran for her life, the heartache she carried as painful flashbacks surfaced making her exert herself. Naya was running so fast with tears blurring her vision that she didn't see the figure standing in her way.


Naya groaned, clutching her head, pulling her hand back she saw fresh blood coating her fingers. Her hands already had dried up blood on them to begin with. Naya's hands were shaking so bad she pulled them to her chest, she leant forward putting her head on the forest ground, rocking herself. The sound of a gun cocking made her freeze, she looked up to see a shotgun pointing directly at her head.

Naya let out a whimper clumsily stumbling away from the woman,

"P-please. Please don't kill me." She softly cried.

The woman tilted her head, "No can do, kid." She muttered. Naya closed her eyes, letting out a scream, throwing her arm up as the woman fired a shot. A sudden force deflected the bullet and pushed the woman a few meters away from Naya making her drop her shotgun in the process. The woman scrambled to her feet she blinked rapidly, processing what just happened.

"What are you?" The woman asked, both fascinated and terrified. Naya stared at her, unsure if she should reveal who and what she is.

"I'll tell you if you promise not to kill me." Naya offered as she stood up.

"Fine." The woman agreed, putting her hands up to show she wasn't a threat.

"My mother was a witch and my father was a hybrid. Half werewolf and half vampire." Naya slowly told her. The woman registered her words; letting them digest.

"A tribrid." The woman breathed, entranced. One of the rarest and most powerful creatures to exist—the woman thought. "The name's Kate." She introduced herself. "And I have proposition for you, I won't kill you. I'll even take you in and give you a clean slate. But you'll have to train and become a hunter like me because that's the only way you'll survive." Kate proposed, slowly walking up to her.

"Okay." Naya agreed with hesitation as she slowly nodded.

"Great. Let's go." Kate demanded, picking up her shotgun and walked away. Naya trailed after her.

' ੈ˚ ★

Kate interrogated Naya as she drove,

"How old are you? 10?"

"I'm thirteen." Naya corrected her, annoyed with Kate's presence.

"Hmm." Kate let out, nodding. "Why were you running away?" She asked.

"I did something bad." Naya admitted, looking down at her lap avoiding to look at her hands.

"I could've told you that from the way you look and the blood on you." Kate scoffed, shaking her head. "What did you do?"

"I'm not ready to answer that." Naya croaked, leaning her head on the window as she closed her eyes. They drove in silence after that.

When Kate arrived at a house, Kate pulled her car to a stop, "This won't take long." She muttered, stepping out of the car. Kate shut the car door, strutting up to the house she knocked on the door. When the door opened revealing a man that looked to be in his mid to late 30's. He stepped out and closed the door behind him. 

"What do you want, Kate?" The man questioned.

"Hello to you too, Chris." Kate quipped with a sarcastic grin. Chris didn't budge making her face drop, "Okay. I bumped into this girl on my hunt and she's a tribrid." She nonchalantly told him. Chris's face remained stoic, he looked down than the car to see the thirteen year old girl intently staring at them; her form still shaking from the current events.

Chris looked back at Kate and raised his brow in question, "Why? Why take her in?"

"Why not." Kate shot back.
"She's a tribrid. Now imagine a tribrid with hunter instincts...she'll be even more dangerous than she already is." She added with a smirk.

Chris scowled, "Kate, she's not a toy or a weapon for you. She's a child—a human being." He argued.

"Not so human." Kate joked which made Chris glare at her. "You're right. I guess we'll just leave and I'll go to our father instead." She pursed her lips, turning around and walked down the steps.

"Wait." Chris sighed, stopping her. "What do you want me to do?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I need you to help me raise her, babysit when I'm busy on a hunt. I figured since you have Allison this shouldn't be a problem." Kate suggested. Chris stared at her before he could stop himself, "Okay." Kate smiled at his answer.

' ੈ˚ ★

Author's note: don't forget to vote and comment :)

This idea just struck me and my friend pushed me do it so...yeah lol
I hope you guys love and enjoy this story 🤗

Naya triggered her curse at 13 yikes-I feel for her. 😕

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