𖢻 Chapter Twenty-Four: Manners

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It was almost dinner time, currently 6:11 pm. They could have started eating earlier, however Jeno asked if they could wait for Chenle to arrive.

Chenle had messaged him right after school, saying he has a group project to deal with and could be home later than usual.

Luckily Jisung isn't that hungry yet, he was eating a cupcake when he arrived thanks to Johnny who drove him home. The latter said goodbye to his son, but only hummed at Jeno.

He invited Jaemin over as usual, quietly thanking the heavens that his ex spouse decided to not join them for dinner tonight.

Sometimes Johnny invites himself for dinner, other times Jeno feels bad and invites him anyway.

Regardless of how he treated him moments before, he attempts to reconcile his friendly bond with his ex spouse.

Jaemin was entertaining Jisung's curious questions as always, all of them going silent once they hear the door being opened and shut, soon Chenle almost passes by them until Jeno calls him.

"Lele." It's a warning tone, Jeno eyes the teenager who's back is slouched and one backpack strap supporting itself on his shoulder.

Chenle groans quietly, reluctantly turning around to drag himself towards them. He presses his lips tightly as he slightly kisses Jeno's cheek.

"Aren't you going to greet Mister Jaemin?" He gives Chenle a look, it has him biting his inner cheek before mumbling something to Jaemin.

"Hi, Mister Jaemin." It's obviously reluctant and filled with annoyance. Chenle doesn't meet his gaze, but Jaemin smiles back as a response anyway.

"Good evening, Chenle."

"Have a seat," Jeno softens his voice, gesturing to Chenle's usual chair. Jisung waves at his elder brother, only to get ignored afterwards.

Noticing his pout, Jaemin clears his throat to change the topic and announces for them to pray. Soon, they start enjoying the food as Jisung babbles about his day.

"It was so much fun, Pang!" He repeats, gushing about his fun experience in school today.

Jeno smiles at him, "that's great to hear, baby." Turning to Chenle's way, he asks in a friendly voice. "What about you, Lele? How was your day?"

"The usual." Chenle answers instantly, almost like a robot. The words memorized in his head as a way to defend himself.

It is not the first time, thus Jeno is not that surprised. But he is still slightly upset at the answer.

It's not like he's stopping his children to talk, there are appropriate times for them to have the freedom to do so. This is one of them.

It's normal, to let your kids talk, to listen to them about what they have in mind. To correct them if it is too much and they really did cross the line.

So yeah, basically Jeno wishes for Chenle to babble about anything like Jisung does. To know if something is bothering him or not.

Silence is normal. But Chenle's type of silent treatment towards him is hurtful. It isn't a good kind, it makes Jeno worry a lot.

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