𖢻 Chapter Seventeen: True Feelings

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It's obvious how Jaemin glances at his watch more than usual, especially while in a meeting no matter how bored he is or simply wanting to end this sooner.

Once they bid goodbyes as another employee, NingNing, escorts the clients out of the building. Lia lifts a brow at her boss.

"Something up?"

She gets a frustrated sigh, "Jeno isn't here yet." Jaemin answers her, visibly worried about where Jeno is at the moment.

This morning, Jeno told him he didn't need to pick him up and apologized for the inconveniences. Promising he will be there at work regardless.

Like an understanding type of person he is, Jaemin nodded along with Jeno's words, although he was reluctant to let it go.

Well, at least Jeno didn't have to be in the meeting since Lia was there. I guess that's just a lucky thing to happen.

"I mean yeah... He could be taking a cab," Lia guesses trying to not sound as worried as Jaemin is.

He gnaws on his lower lip and checks his cellphone, "you should call him." He hears Lia say, both of them clearly wanting to know Jeno's whereabouts.

Just as he was about to press his finger on the call button, the door opens ajar and a certain brunet man enters, panting slightly.

"We were just about to call you." Lia walks up to him and scrunches her nose at the crinkled shirt. "Christ." Muttering under her breath as she kindly takes his bag.

A look of relief paints Jaemin's face, meeting his beloved halfway by the long table before engulfing him in a hug. "I told you I could have picked you up."

Jeno sighs at the scolding, silently agreeing to Jaemin's words while regaining his proper breathing. "I'm sorry, love, but it was just... Not the time."

Then Jaemin gets it, Lia still doesn't know Jeno's real situation. She has no clue despite being friends with him since the day he got here.

And that makes Jeno feel bad, glancing at her way with a sad look that made her understandably confused in response.

Smiling faintly, Jaemin decides to save his own questions for Jeno to answer later in private, and gives the brunet boy this time to explain to his friend instead.

"I will give you two some time, not that much since there's still work to do." He softly spoke.

Lia, for the first time in ages, is quiet despite how confused she is. The tension in the slightly messy meeting room gave her a hint that this wasn't something to really tease Jeno about.

Jaemin shares a quick kiss on the lips with Jeno before walking out of the room, entertaining another employee rushing up to him in need of help.


"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, Lia. I feel really bad– like actually, I understand if you feel offended or upset because it seemed like I don't trust you and all– I do, it's just... Complicated."

Lia couldn't help but smiles softly listening to Jeno's rambling in distress, lips pouting while at it as a habit that makes it even more amusing to witness although it shouldn't be when he's clearly emotional.

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