Chapter 14: Forgive me

Start from the beginning

I turned seeing Jalin walk through the door. I swallowed and turned back to the king.

"Sir, you can't be serious. I've always been a fit Luna," I argued.

He growled at me,"I want it to get through your thick skull that I am your superior and I do what I want."

He stood up then pointed to the door. Everyone left except Jalin, Luke, and I.

"Jalin knows my terms and will talk to me everyday about your progress. I will be here whenever I please. I expect everything to be sorted out by then," he looked between Luke and I then his eyes softened which made my breath catch," Mia, you've been handed a hard deal. Many things seem to turn out bad for you. I'm sorry, but-"

"Mia," Paige ran through the door out of breath. He bowed to the King and said sorry for interrupting before turning to me.

By the look on his face and the nervousness through the mind-link, I could tell what happened. My father.

"Where is he?" I asked squeezing my hands together to keep my emotions in check.

"He won't let me take him to the hospital. He says its going to happen before we get there," before he finished I pushed past him running through the hallway and up the stairs. I burst through my fathers room.

His normal rosy color was pale and he shook when he moved. His eyes meet mine. He gestured me over with his hand.

"Come here little mouse," my breathing caught again and my vision was starting to get blurry as I walked beside him and laid down beside him on the bed.

"I'm sorry dad, I've been so selfish. You were d...dying and I only thought of myself. Please forgive me," I let my tears fall from my eyes and down to his shirt.

"Lana, I have a book of all the secrets I've kept from you under my mattress, please forgive me," he grabbed onto his hand.

"Only if you forgive," I tried to smile. He nodded at me then turned to whoever was behind me.

"Thank you...f...for making her happy. Please watch over her. She's...she crazy," he tried to laugh which ended in a cough.

His eyes were starting to droop. I held tighter to his hands. Luke came closer to me then stopped and walked to the door. He was leaving me alone to talk to my father.

"I don't know when it's going to happen but...but Mia, I love you," he said for the last time.

That was the last time that I heard my father say he loved me before he died in my arms and the pack members had to drag me away.

Now I sat on my window seat staring out at the rain. I held a knife in my hand that was full of my blood. No ones bothered to come into my room. Everyone's been worried about what my reaction would be.

After my moms death, I turned to drugs and drinks. I went downhill. Now I was just staring at completely nothing.

I never thought I could feel so numb. My legs were like jelly and my hands were frozen, one in my pocket, the other holding onto the knife.

I sighed taking a pack of cigarettes out my dresser. I lighted one and stared at it.

"Mom," I turned around to see Aaron standing at the doorway. I put the cigarette out and turned to him.

"What's wrong Aaron?" I asked putting on a fake smile. At least my voice didn't catch with emotion.

"Daddy told me to give this to you," he handed me a white and pink rose. Attached to it was a note with Luke's messy handwriting on it. That wasn't Luke's, that was Aiden's handwriting.

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