the eighth letter

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dear serena,

i met up with our old friends today. val. annabeth. grover. it was like the old times, but at the same time, not. you weren't there.

i had never thought that we — annabeth, valerie, grover, you, and i — would never be together as a group again. i'd never thought april 28 would be the last time i would ever see you.

ever since we had to prepare for the war, we've never been together to relax and have fun again. i miss those times. we'd all bring snacks and celebrate by the beach after each quest. it was fun.

i had thought those days would never end. but as soon as kronos decided to make things worse, those days were gone. they're long gone now, since you aren't here.

love, percy

miss misery; percy jackson²Where stories live. Discover now