the fourth letter

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dear serena,

i'm barely surviving. i don't know what motivates me to keep going. after your death, i had no reason to keep going, but i still did. i don't exactly know why, but i might have an idea.

i remember the pained look on chiron's face the day we found out. i think we — the whole camp — lost a piece of ourselves because you were gone. maybe you didn't realize it, but you were so important to everyone. remember the day before it all went down? it was you who kept me going.

you saved the gods.

everyone says i'm the hero, but i'm not. the hero isn't the one who kills. i killed. what else did i do? people like you are the heroes. at the darkest times, you're able to create light with your words.

they say words are the only weapon you'll ever need.

i still don't know if they're right.

love, percy

miss misery; percy jackson²Where stories live. Discover now