the seventh letter

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dear serena,

today is val's birthday. you remember her, right? i know your relationship with her got messed up near the end of the war, but hopefully you're not mad at her anymore. she still feels guilty, you know? we all do.

i feel like your death has really made us all think about how we've treated others. it's changed us all. i think we all didn't know what we were doing to you until you died. you didn't leave us anything. no letter, no note. no explanation. no goodbye. nothing.

it broke me. i hated to know that you trusted none of us with your secrets. not even me.

you took revenge on us. you still remember when we kicked you out. no letter. no note. no explanation. no goodbye. no "i miss you."

i'm letting it sink in. the truth.

love, percy

miss misery; percy jackson²Where stories live. Discover now