Chapter 2 | Trouble

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Aayat Hakeem

"Assalamu alaikum" I sit up yawning as I greet myself "Ya Allah I hope today goes as smooth as butter, Ameen!" I mumble to myself but next line automatically comes in my mouth without my permission "Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover"

Slapping my mouth I mumble an Astaghfirullah, no singing in the early morning Aayat, you just woke up, that's so bad of you. Abbu is watching you he is gonna be so disappointed.

Rubbing my eyes I search for my eyes, I mean glasses and I quickly put them on to get a clear vision of far sight.

Breaking my knuckles which ammi says is a bad habit but if I don't break my knuckles I feel like my hands are jammed and the satisfaction I get when we break our knuckles and that tak tak voice is something else so when Ammi is not in sight I quickly break my knuckles—just to gather little happiness.

"Aayat! If you don't wake up now, I am gonna throw this pan on your face! Wake up quickly!" Ammi's loud yell startles me and I quickly rush towards my washroom, only to come back in the same speed and remove my glasses and keep them on the bed, I hope nobody sits on them.

While Brushing my teeth I rest back on the cold tiles of the washroom as I look at my small mirror in which I can see my twin who looks like she just had a fight with a hen.

Why do I wake up with a nest in my head? Can't I wake up like those heroines do, when they wake they look so beautiful with their hair resting perfectly at the back and the face which looks puffy but beautiful and not like me with a drool over my pillow—yew!—and eyes going wide when I here the alarm ringing right near my ears, my morning starts always with a startle, the hen voice my alarm has literally pulls me out of my death bed.

And accidentally if I do not wake up even with that alarm the way my sister laughs at me and tells 'I am sure you were dead that's why you were not able to wake up even with that alarm of yours'—actually hurts. I seriously think I went to heaven and came back when she tells me that.

When my mouth burns I wash my mouth and then face but rub the foam nicely on my face thinking somewhere deep in my heart that I will become fair and my skin will start glowing if I rub my face nicely—just my thoughts.

Grabbing the near by cotton dupatta I wipe my face and rush down. Cotton shawls are more comfortable than towels sometimes.

"I know but I can't teach her ammi, you know her second name is dumb and I cannot waste my time teaching her" I hear my elder sister backbiting about me. This women. Always jealous of me.

"A great scholar said that, back bitting is the major reason for minor shirk and a very great great scholar said that minor shirk is more hidden than a black ant on a black stone in a dark night, so Ammi be safe, I hope nobody wants to do any sin unintentionally" I clearly tell each and every word as I sit down on the chair with a proud smile.

Aiza tilts her head to look at me with a smile which tells 'shutup' and I give her my best smile while fixing my glasses on the bridge of my nose.

This is my sister who is three whole years elder than me but still has a brain younger than me. Disappointment.

"Aayat nobody was talking behind your back, now have this" Ammi sets a plate of bread and omelette in front of me and I hum in response "of course they weren't because I heard it" I mumble taunting her in the best way possible, I love taunting my sister like a grandma, it gives me sukoon (peace).

His Not so Innocent Tutee Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang