Chapter 20: Back to school.

Start from the beginning

"I'm serious though, they are here to kill you" I said nervously, glancing at the sniper.

"They told me they are rescuing me from a group of killers too, so how am I sure you are not the killer?" she said in a pensive tone.

"Do I look like someone capable of killing?" I asked her with a pleading tone.

"Nahhh. Someone once told me that the eyes say everything about a person, your eyes just show fear" she said with a pensive tone. "Let's get out of here" she added in a moment.

We turned towards the door, but our steps froze at the sound of a gun's click.

"You really thought you could take her away, just like that? I take it that you are from the creed, right?" I heard one of the pink haired girls say.

"I won't let you bastards kill her" I shot back

"Chill man... we are in a school" I heard the sniper say.

"You know, I didn't plan to kill you, you had other purposes. But you leave me no choice, the other blinks should suffice. May1 shoot them both! Make it look like an accident" The sniper said with a devious smile.

"With pleasure" the pink haired girls said, pointing her gun at Kayla.

I had to act fast, extremely fast. I had definitely predicted that they would try killing I and Kayla and I had a backup plan for such a case. With a swift reach to my belt, I removed the knife I concealed in my back and threw it directly at the other pink haired girl, stabbing her in the thigh.

"May2!" the other twin yelled, dropping the gun, running towards her sister.

"You bastard!!!" the sniper yelled, running towards me.

Like I knew from experience, it was impossible to outrun him so it was time for phase 2 of the plan. "Kayla, run!" I yelled as I pushed her away. She also seemed to understand what she had to do as she broke into a sprint.

"When fighting a fast person, defend, to tire them out, a fast person uses a lot energy to maintain that speed" I heard Ryuuki's fighting advice echo in my head.

I got ready in my fighting stance, preparing for the sniper to hit me, but he didn't, instead I felt a hit from my back. The pain was so immense that I fell, screaming. The hit followed with several jabs, all over my body. "What is hitting me?" I wondered, then I realized that I forgot about the muscular man. My thoughts were eventually interrupted when the man flung me across the room against the wall.

"You really expected us to attack one at a time? Did you think this was a movie?" the sniper said angrily with a kick to my chest, forcing blood out of my mouth.

"Jonah! Go after Kayla, kill her if you have to!" The sniper yelled at the muscular man.

The muscular man replied with a grunt before hurriedly leaving the building through the door behind me. However, immediately the man left the building, there were 3 loud hit sounds, with a sickening crunch and before we could wonder what the sound meant, the muscular man slammed through the door, with his arms and a leg turned at odd angles

"I really hoped he would be stronger" I heard a familiar voice say.

"De-Delai" I muttered.

"You have done well Tom, Ryuuki would soon be here. Try to stay conscious till then" Delai whispered, taking off her jacket to face the muscular man who was now standing.

"What a wonderful day! I get to also kill the famous monster, Delai too!" the sniper exclaimed as he pointed his gun at Delai.

"It is not ideal for a man in a suit to call a lady a monster, don't you think?" Delai said with a teasing tone which only angered the sniper more.

Just when I thought the sniper was going to shoot, there was a loud 'crack' sound from the side of the building. Ryuuki had jumped through the glass, into the building. The jump was enough to startle the sniper, enough for Ryuuki to kick the gun from his hands, and swiftly kick his stomach. The sniper stumbled backwards in disbelief.

"Your fight is with me, not her!" Ryuuki said with anger

"Where is Beckett?" I asked scanning the building.

"Right here!" Beckett said, as he seemed to materialize beside the Pink haired twins, who were now standing.

From all indications, a bloody fight was about to happen. I only hoped Kayla was safe and maybe, the beatings I got were enough to activate my blink.





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