"Ghosts are real?" Jared asked with wide eyes, making everyone laugh and nod.

"The castle has a few, they are rather helpful when you're lost. Anyway, there's a ghost in the girl's bathroom called Myrtle, also known as moaning Myrtle for obvious reasons. She was rather angry that I disposed of the diary in her bathroom but I didn't care, I just wanted it to be gone" she cried as Mr Weasley wrapped his arm around his daughter.

"What I didn't want, was for someone to find it and it happens to them, unfortunately, it was Harry who found it in the bathroom after it became flooded. I freaked out, I didn't want Harry to get hurt and there were already so many rumours going around about him and I knew if what happened to me, happened to him then he would never forgive himself. So, I broke into his dorm room and stole it back. Before I knew it, I was unconscious"

"It was only me and Ron left and we were doing everything in our power to find the chamber of secrets, which is where the Basilisk resided. When I had the diary, I had written in it and found out that fifty years earlier, the chamber was opened and a girl had died in a bathroom. Turns out, that girl was Myrtle Warren. There was an announcement by professor McGonagall, demanding that everyone return to their common rooms immediately whilst the other professors were to meet up. Ron and I, of course, went to investigate and discovered that a student was taken into the chamber, that student was Ginny. Lockheart, who was the defence against the dark arts professor at the time, kept bragging about how he always knew where the chamber was and knew how to destroy the monster. The other professors left it up to him to save Ginny, but when Ron and I went after him, we found that he was packing to escape. Of course, I wouldn't allow that to happen and dragged him to the bathroom, where Myrtle explained how she died and that the person who opened it before was standing by a certain sink, which had a serpent carved into the tap. I used parseltongue and it unlocked the entrance"

"See it came-"

"In handy" Fred and George announced with wide smiles, making Harry roll his eyes with a chuckle.

"At the beginning of the year, Ron and I crashed the car into a dangerous tree called the whomping willow, which resulted in him breaking his wand. Though he only sellotaped it and left it at that, it wasn't working properly but in the end, it saved our lives. When we dragged Lockhart into the chamber, he managed to steal Ron's wand and tried to erase our memories. We found out that all the books that he wrote about his amazing adventures were all false. He was a fraud and had stolen credit from other witches and wizards before erasing all their memories. When he tried to do the same to us, it backfired on him, resulting in him flying against the wall which collapsed, separating Ron and me. I went to save Ginny whilst Ron removed the bricks for us to get through. When I left and ventured further into the chamber, the first thing I saw was Ginny's unconscious and pale body. I thought she was dead, I was so scared but felt relieved when I heard her heartbeat, though it was extremely faint. A figure appeared out of nowhere, I begged for him to help but he just stood there. He revealed himself as Tom Riddle and said that as Ginny began to fade, he would grow stronger. Long story short, he was Voldemort's younger self and was able to control the basilisk, which chased me through the chamber. Our headmaster had a Phoenix, which is immortal and has tears that heal. Anyway, the Phoenix managed to remove the basilisk's eyes, allowing me to look at it without dying. I managed to defeat the serpent, but in doing so, Its fang had penetrated my arm. The feeling of the poison was horrific, it began to spread so quickly but my first thought was on Ginny, who was so close to death. The Phoenix had arrived once again and managed to heal my arm, I'm not sure what told me to do it but I grabbed the fang and the diary, and began to stab it. Black liquid began to ooze out of the diary and when I stabbed the cover, Tom Riddle disappeared and Ginny woke up"

"I confessed immediately, and even though I was possessed and had no control of what I was doing, I felt responsible. We managed to escape the chamber and we were escorted to the hospital wing, they kept Harry and me there for about a week. A few days later, our nurse, Madam Pomfrey, managed to bring all those who were petrified, to their normal state. Harry and I were the first to see Hermione at the entrance of the great hall and when we hall hugged, something amazing happened"

"Magic is an amazing thing and there are loads of rare and old magic that are quite rare. There are mates, also known as soul mates but there is also something called a sibling bond. So, when the three of us hugged, a golden glow surrounded us and that's when we found out that we shared a bond more powerful than anyone could imagine. As the years went on, it got more powerful and we are now able to track each other if we are lost or in trouble, we can feel each other's emotions and comfort one another when needed"

"S-Soul mates?" Paul stuttered with wide eyes, glancing at Ginny whose cheeks were bright red. The group looked between Ginny and Paul with curiosity, they could all sense that there was something different about the four large men, but what? They didn't know.

"Yeah, it's rare but when found, it can be quite intense" Ginny sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, I nodded in agreement which caught Sam's attention.

"Third year was the least intense" Harry announced with a wide smile. He opened his mouth to continue but an idea came to mind.

"Why don't we use a Pensieve to show the other years? It will be much easier"

"Not a bad idea, who's memories are we using?" Harry asked.

"Yours and Hermiones, you two were more involved with everything than I was" Ginny declared, we nodded our heads in agreement.

"Accio pensieve" I called out with my palm facing the doorway. In a few seconds, a silver plate-like object flew threw the air and straight into my hand. The four wolves stared in awe, their mouths hanging wide open. I allowed it to hover between Harry and me as we pulled out our wands, we placed the tip to our temples and extracted our memories and placed them in the pensieve.

"Now, this will be able to show you our memories. All you have to do is put your face into the water and you'll be sucked into the memories, don't worry, it doesn't hurt" I reassured with a smile. They glanced at one another hesitantly before nodding.

"We can't all fit," Charlie said with a frown. I rolled my eyes fondly and with a flick of my hand, the pensieve expanded. He let out a chuckle and shook his head as everyone began to surround the pensieve. With a nod of my head, we all submerged ourselves and we immediately fell into our memories.

We watch every hardship we went through, the hardest was during the war, though not all memories were shown. As we got pushed out of our memories, silence filled the room and everyone was sickly pale.

"That happened to you?" Sam asked softly, tears in his eyes as he looked at me. I nodded my head and before I knew it, I was pulled against his muscular chest. His body temperature was surprisingly hot, it caused goosebumps to form on my skin and I immediately melted in his arms. I open my eyes and notice Ginny in Pauls's arms, she looked happy and safe.

The silence was interrupted by a phone ringing, I pulled away slightly, glancing to my right and realised it was Jacobs. He looked at me and Sam with a small frown, somewhat like he was asking for permission.

"It's okay Jacob, we will be waiting," I said softly with a smile, he let out a sigh and nodded his head before he left the room. The room fell silent once again, this time it was rather awkward.

"Why don't I make us some beverages, I'm sure you're thirsty" They nodded their heads with thankful smiles and I left the room in a rush.

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