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Guess who's posting this part at a kinda decent time 💪💪

I don't like this one very much, but at the same time I don't know what's wrong with it help. ☹️

Tw: Abuse D:


"I love you, Scott." Says Jimmy, a small smile forming on his face.

"I know, I'm amazing." I say sarcastically.

"Scott!" He laughs.

I look around, noticing how it's starting to get dark.

"Maybe we should head home?" I ask.

"Yeah,, probably, but I'm still a bit scared."

"Well, I could walk you home, and stay there for a few minutes incase something happens? And if something does happen, we can just go to Rivendell!" I wanted to make Jimmy feel as safe as possible, keeping a cheerful mood.

"Yeah! That sounds good!" He smiled, pulling me out of the small forest.


As we approached the Cod Empire, I felt myself begin to grow sad. I'm not fully sure why. Maybe it was in fear of something happening to Jimmy, or maybe it was just a coincidence! There's probably a million other reasons as well. But, I didn't want to think of that right now. Or at least not express it.

"Alright, if anything happens, just walk outside, okay?"

"Okay!" He walked in the house, waving towards me.

I was honestly extremely anxious. I was only going to stay here for around 5 minutes, but that was enough for so much to happen. I didn't want anything to happen to Jimmy, but for some reason I really thought something would.

And that's when I heard it.

Faint yelling, coming from inside the house. It was from an unrecognizable voice, probably his father. Right there, I wanted to just break down. I wanted to sob. I knew something would happen. I didn't want to interrupt,, not wanting to put me or Jimmy in any danger. Or,, I wanted to at least wait till I was supposed to leave in the first place.

"Get out of my house!" I heard someone say.

I heard the creaking of stairs, followed by a large crash.

I had to resist barging in at that moment. Listening for any sign of Jimmy coming back.

The door swung open, Jimmy coming out soon after.

I quickly pulled Jimmy aside, out of the empire.

"How much of that did you hear?" His voice was shaky, seeming as if he was about to cry.

I didn't respond, just bringing him into a tight hug.

I still tried to stay as positive as possible, just wanting to see him happy again.


We started our walk home, talking about all the shitty things his dad had done in the past. He didn't seem to be crying anymore,, but he definitely wasn't happy. After hearing about his past, I felt horrible. I know it's nothing I did to him, but it still happened! His dad overall was such a horrible person,, I can't believe he didn't say anything till now. Maybe he didn't have the right person to tell it to, or he just didn't realize how horrible it was, but he should've said something sooner!


"Here we are,, the Rivendell Palace!" I looked over to him, smiling.

"Wow,, this place is beautiful! And huge!" He genuinely seemed happy. His smile didn't seem forced, he had a happier tone, maybe he was feeling better.

"Yep! We have a guest room you can stay in if you'd like, or you can stay with me in my room!"

"Can I stay with you? I don't think I'd feel safe sleeping alone tonight."

"Yeah! Of course!" I smiled, bringing him up the stairs into my bedroom.

"Do you need something more comfortable to change into?" I asked, smiling as he sat down on the bed.

"Yes, please."

I walked into the closet, searching for something he could wear.

"What about this? If not I can find something else!" I pulled out a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a jumper.

"Yep! Thank you!" He smiled, getting up and grabbing them from me.

He walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I smiled, looking for something for myself to change into.

It didn't take me long to find something, a plain t-shirt and some sweatpants.

After I finished changing, I climbed in bed, waiting for Jimmy.

Almost immediately after I did that, Jimmy walked out of the bathroom.

"You look cozy." I smiled, patting the open space next to me signaling for him to get in.

He smiled in return, lifting the sheets up and climbing in next to me.

"Is everything alright? Are you feeling better?" I faced towards him, smiling.

"I'm still a bit scared he might do something to you, but I'm just happy to be away from him." He smiled, coming closer to me and laying his head on my chest.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, and I promise I won't let him do anything to either of us." I watched as Jimmy smiled.

I loved him,, so very much. I'm really glad he wasn't straight. Wait, that sounds weird. I'm really glad he likes me back.

He fell asleep quite quickly, seeming to be very tired. And honestly, I was too. But I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it is we're dating now. I was so happy, so unbelievably happy. I feel my eyes begin to close as I drifted to sleep as well.


This part made me so happy like omg- anyway, ily guys!! Uh,, that's all :>

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