A Visitor

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TW: Some parts of this may trigger derealization!! You have been warned!


"Scott! Your visitor will be here soon! Get ready!" Xornoth screamed from down the steps, just like on my wedding day.

As I got out of bed, I watched every detail of my room. The owl's cleaning their feathers, the books out of place on the bookshelf, the open closet door. Everything seemed so abnormal, yet perfect. Everything felt so different, although nothing changed. It was the same as the night before, and the night before that,, and before that. It was always the same. Nothing ever changed. Maybe that's why it felt so weird. It was too normal? I listened to the sounds around my room, observing. The ticking clock, the birds chirping, the wind swaying, it was all normal. Really, nothing had changed. It had been like this every day, every night. There was no change in my schedule. Maybe a new person was what I needed. Everything was too stressful, maybe a distraction could help? Someone visiting for a while would be great.


"Scott! Come on! She'll be here soon!" Xornoth watched as I walked down the stairs, waiting impatiently at the bottom.

Xornoth looked fancier than usual. And that's saying something. He had the normal Rivendell cape, along with his normal black tunic, but it had golden accents. Gold was one of the Rivendell colors, along with Magenta and Cyan, representing the brothers. (Aka, me and Xornoth.) His hair was up in a bun, and there was four ribbons, (3 of Rivendell's colors, and one of a shade of purple I couldn't quite recognize from anywhere.) In his hair as well.

"Scott! Xornoth! If you boys don't hurry up, we're going to miss our guest!" My mother said, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

"Pft,, she's staying here for a week! We can't possibly miss her." Xornoth scoffed, gesturing me to follow him to our parents.

"Yeah yeah, come on! Let's wait for her to arrive!"


"You've gotta tell him sometime! Doesn't he have to get married in a week? If you wait too long, he'll find someone!" Me and Xornoth were talking while we waiting for our guest to arrive. He decided to bring up Jimmy, not that he wasn't already on my mind 24/7. I really needed to get over this boy, huh?

"Come on! He's straight! If he really wants to date, I'll let him make a move on me!" I chuckled, thinking immediately that Xornoth was joking around. I was soon to find out, he wasn't.

"You're still convincing yourself he's straight? At this point, he probably thinks you're straight! Stop stalling! Make a move already!" Right as he said that, the doorbell rang. A perfect excuse to ignore and literally never answer his question!

(Guys it has been 30 minutes and I feel so accomplished TwT. Like I just wrote more than half of this part?? Like wtf?? Sorry sorry, let's continue with the gayness.)

"Ah! Good evening, Lauren! Welcome to Rivendell!" My mother bowed towards our new guest, Lauren. She had long purple hair, seeming to match the color in Xornoth's hair.

"Why thank you! I'm very pleased to be here!" Lauren bowed, walking in the palace.

"Scott! Why don't you show our guest around?" My father asked me, closing the door behind her.

I gestured for Lauren to follow me, walking into a nearby hall.


"Scott, right?" She asked as we walked, the halls lined with paintings.

"Yes!" I replied.

"Ah, for some reason you feel familiar to me." Lauren chuckled, following as I walked into another room.

Thinking about it, Lauren seemed quite familiar to me as well. I'm not sure why, or where I know her from, but I definitely know her. Maybe she was a childhood friend? I believe she lived near Rivendell as a child, maybe I did know her.


"You're getting married soon as well? Who's the lucky person?" I could tell she was just trying to start some small conversation, but I definitely appreciated it.

"Yeah,, I have someone in mind, I don't know if he's gay though." I laughed, hoping that she isn't homophobic.

"Ah! Well it's definitely worth a shot! Maybe he needs to marry someone as well?" She was honestly quite respectful, and I could already tell we would get along well.

"Maybe,, I do know he has to marry someone! I don't want to force him into a relationship,, if he'd like to make a move, I'll let him!" I smiled, feeling a sense of relief as she wasn't one to judge.


Me and Lauren talked for what felt like ages. The palace was huge, but even after the tour was done, our conversation wasn't. She gave me some very good relationship advice! She said that she had recently married her husband Bobby as well! I never figured out if I had known Lauren before,, but I still have a feeling I do. She seemed so familiar to me,, I'm not sure why.


As I entered my room, I saw a small owl waiting for me, holding another letter!

As I read it, I felt myself smile. He had asked me on a date! Another sign he might like me? Maybe? The time was set for tonight,, if I sent another letter back quick enough, I could probably still make it!

"Dear Solidarity,

Thank you so much for inviting me to this date! I am infact free tonight, but if you'd like, we could go tomorrow instead! I'll leave that up to you! Is there a specific place you'd like to meet?"

This was probably my neatest letter yet, I was quite proud of it. I tied another ribbon around it, like I always do, handing it back to the owl. As the owl flew off, I set the letter Jimmy had sent in the top drawer of my desk. I had kept every letter, I'm not sure why. I hadn't kept any from anyone else, only Jimmy. He was special for some reason. Something about him just felt different than other people, in a good way! Maybe I was just very deeply in love, but there had to be something different about him.


HII! Um so, I bit of bad news,, I might not be able to post the next part until Monday? AND I SAY MAYBE. If I'm able to finish it by tomorrow, I should be fine, but I might not be able to? I'm going somewhere over the weekend, so I have no clue if I'll actually be able to post it even if I do finish it 😭. But, if not, expect it a day late!


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