A Kiss?

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I don't really have anything interesting to put here so act like I said something funny.

How long have I been procrastinating to post this? Yes.


"I'm not saying I don't."

"A lot of confidence today, huh?" He said sarcastically, chuckling a bit.

I looked over to him, seeing his bright blue eyes stare right back at me.

"You have nice eyes." Scott smiled, making the complement sound genuine.

"How do I respond to that without sounding awkward as fuck-?" I laughed in response.

"You don't, we just have an extremely romantic moment where we stare into each other's eyes." He was usually very quiet, and kept to himself, I was honestly a bit surprised he was saying things like this. I mean,, I'm not complaining about it, but y'know.

"Do you only watch cheesy romance movies?" I chuckled.

"How about this,," He cut himself off, staring at my lips for a moment.

"We kiss." He looked back up, seeming to keep his confidence.

"You're just proving my point-"

"Answer the question, please?" He seemed a bit scared, seeing how I kind of avoided answering.

"Hm,, I'm not against it-" I got cut off by Scott's lips against mine.

It was definitely unexpected, but I didn't necessarily hate it. It was short and simple,, not even long enough for me to fully process what had happened.

He pulled away, smiling over to me, a shocked look still on my face.

"Was that okay? I'm sorry,, I probably should have asked first." He mumbled, clearly loosing a lot of his confidence just with a few simple words.

"No!! Of course that was okay! I just wasn't expecting it to be so sudden,, y'know?" If I'm being honest,, I was kinda tempted just to kiss him again. This time with more meaning, (and actually kissing back.)

"So,, what does this make us exactly?" He asked awkwardly.

"Boyfriends?" I smiled over to him.

After a small moment of silence, he kissed me again. This time, I actually kissed back. But I honestly had no clue what that meant. Which sounds kinda dumb, doesn't it? This boy just told me he likes me, kissed me, TWICE, and I was still doubting he wanted to be my boyfriend?

"So,, is that a yes?" I laughed again, watching as he pulled away.

"Of course it is! Why else would I kiss you?" He chuckled in return, smiling uncontrollably.

I couldn't help but smile too. I mean,, who wouldn't? The only problem,, I was supposed to get married in 2 days. 2 days. That's barely anytime!! And knowing I JUST got into this relationship,, I can't ask him yet! Maybe I can ask my father to postpone the wedding? No,, I know for a fact he wouldn't. Maybe we just get married on Scott's official wedding date,, that's still a bit longer! What, like, 5 days? Yeah!! I tried so hard to think positively,, but everything I thought of just went back to my father. Why was that a bad thing? He wouldn't be happy me and Scott were dating, that's for sure. And most definitely wouldn't let us get married. Thinking about this sort of thing just made the smile fade right off my face,, which I could tell Scott was worried about.

"What's wrong?" He frowned, seeming genuinely concerned.

"I'm just worried about my father,, what would he think about us being together now?"

"What will he do? Make us break up? He doesn't have any power over us!! He won't be king soon, you will! He can't do shit! There's nothing to worry about." Those words definitely helped me feel better, but at the same time, I didn't want to keep us a secret. I wanted to tell everyone who I was dating!!

I didn't respond to Scott, not really knowing how to.

"Let's not think about that right now. Come here!! I have an idea." He took my hand, swiftly pulling me over to a group of trees.

(I almost put cheese instead of trees ☹️)

"What are you doing?" I laughed, the smile returning to my face.

"Just watch!!" He pulled out some sort of object, unidentifiable from my view, carving something on the tree infront of us.

"Ta-da!!" He stepped away from the tree, letting me see what he wrote.

"Flower Husbands." Surrounded by a heart.

I smiled, looking over to him. He looked adorable. The flower was still in his hair, and I honestly hoped he would never take it out.

"I love you, Scott."


I was editing this the other day and I saw a spelling mistake but now I can't find it- Anyway, ily guys!!! Sorry it took me so long to get this part out D:

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