Both Of Us

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I may or may not have been inspired by a "My Story Animated" clip that was on my fyp to write this part-

TW for mega homophobia, my friends! D: (Also this part is pretty sad so uh-)

"Another date?" I smiled to myself, reading the letter Scott had sent me. What if he does actually like me? Oh my god!!

"Dear Smajor,

Good evening! I would absolutely love to go on another date with you. Is there a specific location you would like to meet at?

Prince Solidarity"

The note was short and sweet, but I was quite happy with it. It got straight to the point.

"Jimmy!" My father came barging through the door, making me jump to put the letter away.

"Oo, who are you writing too?" He asked, being a bit more nosey than usual.

"Uh- Just Lizzie- Anyway, what do you need?" I quickly turned around, watching as my father stepped back a bit.

"I've found your wife! You shall be getting married tomorrow afternoon!" He seemed a bit too sure of himself at that moment.

"What?! Tomorrow?! I'm not ready! I can't do that!!" There was clear panic in my voice.

"What do you mean? Have you found a girl yet?" He was definitely too calm in this situation.

"I- He's not a girl." I don't know why I said it, but I felt like I needed to. Now was the time to tell him. I wanted to marry a boy. Specifically Scott.

"What?! You like men?!" He started raising his voice, which was honestly expected.

"Yes. I'm going on a date with him this evening, and will be asking him then." I tried to stay calm in the situation, even though I felt like breaking into tears at that very moment.

"I can't believe you!! What will the people think?! Having a GAY ruler!?" I felt my heart shatter. He was my father, he was meant to support me no matter what!! I knew this would happen, why did I tell him?

"You've always controlled my life, you have to let me choose who to marry!!" I was starting to get upset, slowly feeling myself break down more and more.

"That's all I gave you! I gave you so much, why don't you just let me have this one thing!" He was lying, and it was very clear. He knew how much he controlled my life, even as a child.

"I'm sorry, but I love him." I quickly handed the letter to the small owl still sitting on my window, walking out of the room.


I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to be anywhere but home right now. I was tempted just to go straight to Scott's, but I decided to see Lizzie instead. Lizzie was the only one I trusted enough with this information. Maybe that sounds bad, but she's my sister!! I don't want to tell something like this to Scott, Joel, Pixl, or pretty much anyone else!! I didn't want to ruin our friendships! Lizzie was the only one I knew wouldn't leave me for this. Maybe it's weird to think that, but it felt so true.


"Woah woah woah!! What's wrong?" At this point I was in tears, feeling as Lizzie wrapped her arms around me.

I couldn't respond. I couldn't say anything. It hurt to even think of what had just happened, and the fact that it was all my fault too!! I shouldn't have told him,, that could put not just me, but Scott in danger as well!! It's all my fault.

"Hey, it's okay! Can you tell me what's wrong?" After she said that, I just went numb in her arms. I felt frozen, like I couldn't move.

"I put him in danger." I barely mumbled out, still crying.

"Who?" She seemed a bit more panicked than before, but still staying very calm.

"Scott." I could barely say his name, knowing something would definitely happen to him.

I watched as Lizzie ran into the Prisma Palace, leaving me outside.

I took a seat on the ground, wiping my eyes.

"Stay there!! I'll be back soon!" Lizzie scrambled, snapping her elytra on, heading straight for Rivendell.

I felt myself begin to cry again, knowing exactly what she was going to do. She was telling Scott. What if he hates me? What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore? Were we ever friends in the first place? I had no clue at this point. I just wanted to disappear. I felt so many emotions at once. Sadness, fear, embarrassment, anger, anxiety, it was all so overwhelming. I couldn't take it anymore.

I fell back onto the ground, putting my hands on my face and just letting myself sob.


As I pulled myself together again, I saw Lizzie flying back, Scott following soon behind her.

"Shit, shit, shit!!" I thought to myself, trying to make myself look at least partially calm.

"Jimmy! What happened?!" I heard Scott say. I'm not sure why, but his voice felt different to me. Hearing it made me so panicked, while usually it made me feel safe. What was happening?

"I-I'm so sorry, Scott. I'm so SO sorry." I looked to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact. I didn't want him to sense the pain I felt.


This part got so long so quick like tf this is almost 1k words- I wrote this in one sitting and I'm so proud of myself for it! 💪💪 Anyway, ily guys!!

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