Chapter 6: A sky of posibility

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Unsaid Emily – Julie and the Phantoms

Terra could barely even fly him home. The clouds thundered and were shooting out lighting left and right. He was laid over her back as she flew. Though no matter how many times the lightning shoot towards them, not a single one hit Arcus. Still, she could feel sparks. They weren’t as strong the real deal, just small loads of electricity, coming from the blue dragon on her back.

She had just gotten underneath the clouds when the clouds released another bolt. This one was bigger and faster than the others. Before she had the chance to evade it, the lightning made contact with her right wing, sending them tumbling down towards the sea. They hit the water with a giant splash. The impact was enough to knock Terra out cold.

Arcus opened his eyes to find himself on a bed of seaweed. Around him laid colorful corals, forming a sort of bed frame. His entire body was sparking with electricity, yet he didn’t mind it. He felt powerful, and in control of the sparks admitting around him.

”Good, you’re finally awake,” a voice spoke behind him. Another serpent like dragon moved around the coral bed frame.
”The queen asked me to bring you to her once you awoke,” the dragon, who Arcus assumed was a servant, spoke politely. The dragon’s scales were an array of bright colors, with soft brown eyes.
He quickly got up, following the servant through a few different halls. The walls were covered in everything from seaweed to bright corals and pearls, all perfectly organized and displayed.
The servant led him to a large door, decorated with pearls and other gems.
”Head inside. The queen will be there in a moment,” the servant smiled as he opened the door.

The throne room was covered in bright corals. Everything from the long table to the chairs were made of different colored corals. At the end if the room stood a single big throne, made of blue and purple corals. The top was decorated by pearls, shining in the light of the pearl chandelier.
Arcus took a seat at the end of the table, on the right corner. And there he sat, taking in the room. The bright colors and decorations were nothing like his old castle.

Soon enough the big doors opened again.
”Her majesty, Nympha Imber, the first,” the servant called out into the empty room.
Nympha let out a sigh as she entered the room.
”Quite the entrance there,” Arcus chuckled. It reminded him of Fulgur’s usual entrance.
”Old traditions. I’d rather have just entered normally, since it’s just you and I here,” she sighed, letting out a small chuckle.
”Quite the place you’ve got here,” Arcus said, admiring the room once more.
”Oh, it’s quite old. My grandparents had the castle built here, and my parents decorated it greatly,” she laughed, looking around the room.
”Oh, then where did you live before?” Arcus asked.
”Deepest part of the ocean. But that was way too close to the fire kingdom down below, and let’s just say my grandparents and the fire rulers at the time didn’t get along very well,” she explained.
Nympha continued explaining and telling stories about the castle, but Arcus could barely hear her. His vision turned dizzy and the colors around him blurred into a rainbow daze.

Nympha just barely managed to catch him with her tail as he fell down the side of the coral chair. She lifted his body up, taking it with him back to the guest room where she had left them both earlier.

Terras head shot up as she opened the door.
”What happened?! Is he okay!?” she panicked as Nympha laid him down onto the bed beside her.
”I’d assume he’s very exhausted. He didn’t seem to recall your incident at the castle either, so the memory returning could have caused him to faint from shock,” she answered, looking down at Arcus with a soft smile. She turned to Terra and lowered her voice.
”I also think it’s time. His powers are ready to be released ,” she whispered.
”He hates the kingdom. It’d be horrible for him to have to do that,” Terra whispered back.

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