Chapter 14: A happy ending

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When she loved me - Sarah McLachlan
Look after you - The Fray

They arrived at the castle not too long after flying from Veneros cave. Arcus was shaking ever so slightly as he flew with Ignis behind him. The fire dragon had to fight hard to keep up as Arcus flew faster and faster. Arcus himself was in a daze, desperately trying to keep the memory of his own fathers death out. Had Ignis managed to keep beside him they would have noticed the tears running down his face, but alas he trailed behind unknowingly.

They came to the castle faster than ever before and without a word Arcus made his way into his room. Ignis had stopped to breathe as soon as they landed before following the air king. He knocked on the door and was met by a muffled noise. Arcus was sat on his bed, looking blankly at the wall in front of him.

"Arcus?" they spoke softly. Arcus only mumbled something inaudible, keeping his eyes on the wall.
"Arcus?" he spoke louder this time. Arcus finally looked up. His eyes were red and it was clear he had been crying.
"What's wrong?" Ignis sat beside him.
"I miss them Ignis. I miss them so much it hurts," his voice broke as he spoke.
"Miss who?" they asked slowly, wrapping his tail around the air dragon.
"My parents... I know my mom hates me and I know they weren't the best parents, but I still miss them. I miss them so much. I just wish I could be their precious little prince again. Everything was fine before I ruined it. We were happy once, and I JUST HAD TO RUIN IT," Arcus screamed the last part before letting out a violent sob.
"Arcus no, no no no dear. You didn't ruin anything, your mom did. She was horrible to you, and you deserved none of it. You're a great dragon. You're powerful, brave, beautiful, hell I could go on and on. You're wonderful," they wrapped a wing around the king, letting him rest against them.

They sat in silence for a few moments before Arcus spoke again.
"Thank you," Arcus whispered, leaning into the touch.
They sat like that in silence for what felt like hours before Arcus yawned softly. His eyes closed and he leaned further against the fire dragon.
"I love you," he mumbled before his breath deepened as he fell asleep.
"And I love you too Sky," Ignis murmured, resting his head on the air dragons.

The kings went on to become great rulers remembered for their peace and bravery. Whilst they both ran separate kingdoms, the alliance between the kingdoms had never been stronger. The two worked closely together and saw each other almost daily, and they even had a separate cottage built just for the two of them just outside the cave of crystals. The water and earth kingdom remained strong allies with the air kingdom, and the conflict between fire and water was put to rest under Ignis leadership.

After a thousand years of being a guardian, Terra was called to retire into the garden of the forgotten and Nympha followed shortly after her. Ignis and Arcus remained kings of their kingdom for much longer before retiring and settling down in their cottage, where they spent the rest of their days together. They planted a garden with a pond in honor of their allies and friends which they cared for dearly.

It was Sidus daughter, Hereditas, who Arcus mentored himself, that inherited the throne in the air kingdom and Ignis found himself a son of a guard who he mentored and raised to take over after him before they moved into the cottage.

The two died happily just a week apart, surrounded by their family and friends after a long and happy retirement.

Started: 17/12/2020 -
Complete: 7/4/2022
Posted: 25/5/2022

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