Chapter 7: A kingdom in need

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That distant shore – Steven Universe

Arcus stayed with Ignis for months. He hadn’t heard a thing from either Nympha or Terra, neither had he been up above ground. It was understandable though, since the fire and water kingdom rarely got along, and Terra herself didn’t have a way down, at least as far as he knew.

A knock sounded on the door before said fire king came into the room.
”Hey sky,” they teased.
”Hey lava butt,” Arcus teased back.
Ignis showed his teeth playfully. Arcus did the same, before looking at the wall. He debated whether he should ask to see his… Guardians, friends? What were Terra and Nympha even to him?
”Something wrong?” Ignis asked, looking slightly concerned.
”How would you feel about a visit above ground?” he asked slowly.
”Why do you ask?” Ignis stiffened.
”Because I’d like to go up there and see the place I grew up in again?” Arcus smiled uncertainly.
”Are you going to move back up there?” Ignis remained stiff, asking in monotone.
”Maybe if it’s gotten calm-” Arcus started.
”No,” Ignis stated abruptly, interrupting the other dragon.
”Why?” Arcus stared at him dumbfounded.
”Because I said so,” Ignis stated with what seemed almost like a growl.
”Ignis, stop joking,” Arcus smiled at him.
”I mean it. We’re not leaving,” he growled out.
”That’s dumb… Wait, do you want me to stay?” he muttered before asking with a smirk.
”Yes- I mean, no? Maybe...?” they sputtered.
”I mean, I’m sure I can stay a bit longer than necessary. It’s quite nice down here. But I’d still like to go up for a bit,” he chuckled.
”… Promise?” they asked, looking at him like a puppy.
”Promise,” he smiled.
”Fine, I’ll send a message to Nympha, and she’ll get us up with one of those eels when she can,” Ignis mumbled, clearly not too pleased with the idea.
”Great,” Arcus almost visibly lit up, his eyes sparkling with glee.

It only took a few hours for Nympha to send a message back, telling them she’d come get them in an hour or two. Ignis placed watch at the lava wall, who’d come get them once Nympha arrived.

”Your majesty, the water guardian has arrived,” a servant called through the door. Ignis opened the door and went after the servant with Arcus following close behind. They went through the halls, and soon enough they reached the castles exit. Ignis paused for a moment while two servants came holding two cloaks of black fabric.
”We don’t want to be eaten by eels once we reach the black dessert, so we’ll have to use these,” Ignis explained quickly as the servants draped the cloaks over their heads.
They quickly made their way through the lava wall and into the desert. Nympha was a few hundred meters out in the desert, quite far away from the wall. She had no eel with her, which Arcus found quite odd. As they got closer, she noticed how tired she looked. Her usually calm and wise eyes were now dull, and her flare barely even glowed.

”Arcus! It’s so good to see you,” she greeted him by pressing her cheek to his.
”You too Nympha,” he smiled.
”King Ignis,” she nodded to them.
”Queen Nympha,” he nodded back.
”So, where is our ride?” Arcus asked, looking around them.
Nymphas flare lit up, and the sand behind her began moving, giving way for another glowing being. In a second, Ignis had placed himself in front of Arcus, teeth bared.
”Relax. Incendo is safe,” Arcus chuckled.

He stepped forward, carefully floating up to place his nose against the eels. The eel made a soft gruff sound, returning the greeting.
”I think it likes you more than me,” Nympha laughed, looking fondly at the two.
”So, how exactly is this eel going to help us?” Ignis asked, glaring at the eel.
”It’s our way up,” Nympha explained.
She tapped the eels face with her tail and it opened its mouth. She went inside, followed by Arcus, who’d grown a soft spot for the big eel.

Unknown to Ignis, he’d gone out to see the eel when Ignis had to do paperwork or other royal duties. The big eel had found him once when his curiosity got the better of him, and instead of hurting him, as the fire dragons had warned, Incendo had chased away the other eels from him.

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