Chapter 2: Prince of the sky

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What you can’t see – Blixemi
Least favorite only child – Leanna Firestone

”Arcus!” Fulgur shouted. Though her shouts were futile, because meanwhile Arcus himself had made his way down onto the earth, hiding in a treetop.
His eyes were locked on a small group of young dragons, like himself. One of them, a dark reddish brown one, was showing off his skills as a small fire rested in his palm. The rest of the dragons stood around him, watching in wonderment.
Arcus himself was quite intrigued by the sight. Not because of the flame though, but by the fiery orange eyes of the otherwise quite dark dragon. His pupils seemed to glow, just like the flame in his palm. His quite slender build was much different from what he expected a fire dragon to be, yet his attitude seemed to make up for it.
”And that’s why I’ll be king of the Underworld,” the dragons voice raised as he bragged. One of the dragons in the group, a much bulkier yet smaller dragon, started laughing.
”You, the king of the underworld? That’s the best joke I’ve heard all day, prince Ignis. We all know your brother is much more fit for the job,” the bulky dragon laughed mockingly.
”He’s still younger than me, which means I’ll be the heir to the throne,” he hissed.

Arcus felt the anger build up inside him. He couldn’t really explain why, but the anger bubbled like lava in a volcano. Before he could stop himself, he dived down from the tree, striking the bulky dragon in between his horns and tipping him over. As he struck the bulky dragon, his eyes met the fiery orange ones of the brown dragon.
Though he was too fast to be seen by the others, but he was well aware that the fiery one had seen him as he shot up into the sky, his blue scales hiding him from view of the dragons below. Yet the dragon continued looking up, as if he was still seeing him. His eyes darted around the sky, showing that he’d lost sight of the blue dragon, yet he felt as if the other dragons eyes burrowed deep beneath his scales. A tingly feeling spread throughout his entire body, and his face heated up.

As he flew back, he felt as if he was walking on clouds, which he was in a way. The tingly feeling was still there as he looped through the clouds, spinning around happily.

Though the happy moment was short lived as he returned home. His mother stood at the entrance of the castle. Her posture was stiff, as if she was holding back from flying straight at him.
”Where have you been Arcus?” she asked stiffly.
”Out,” Arcus answered in a monotone voice.
She let out a loud sigh.
”Where. Have. You. Been?” she growled.
”As I said. I’ve been out,” Arcus answered in the same tone.
”You went down to the ground again, didn’t you?” she asked.
”And what if I did?” he growled.
”How many times do I have to tell you!? You’re a SKY dragon, not to mention THE NEXT KING OF THE SKY! Act like it for once in your life!” she scolded.
”AND WHO DECIDED THAT?! I NEVER wanted to be the next king! I’m not a prince, and you really can’t make me into one!” Arcus screamed back.
”Young man! I RAISED you. You ARE the next king, and that’s final. Now head in, it’s almost time for dinner,” she growled.
Arcus followed his mother inside the castle, which was located on the side of a retired volcano close to the water, with a low growl.

His mother led him into the dining area, where the servants were in the middle of setting up the table. The scent of cooked chicken filled the air.

Umbra greeted him with a warm smile, which Arcus replicated halfheartedly.
”Welcome back son,” Umbra smiled as Arcus took his place on the right side of his father.
”Yeah… Thanks dad,” Arcus replied reluctantly.
”What’s the matter son?” Umbra asked worriedly.
”He went down to the ground, again,” Fulgur hissed.
”So what? I did that all the time as a youngster. He’ll grow out of it,” Umbra replied nonchalantly.
”Umbra! He’s the next king for sky’s sake! He should behave as one,” she hissed back.
”He will learn in time. I believe he’ll grow into a king, just like I did,” he answered calmly, shooting a smile at Arcus.

Arcus storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz