Chapter 3: Loss of a home

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Take me to church – Hozier

The months passed by, and while Arcus and his mother grew further apart by the day, his relationship with his father didn’t change much. His father believed in him, something his mother did not, which lead to a lot of arguments among the two grown dragons.

”You’re encouraging bad behavior!” Fulgur hissed at her mate.
”Let him be a youngster! He’s still just a kid!” Umbra hissed back.
”He’s almost fully grown, it’s time he takes some responsibility! He can’t stay a kid forever!” she screamed in his face.
”Like you did at that age?! You were flying among the trees more than he was, flirting with basically anything living!” he growled.
”Says the dragon who had at least three dragonesses following him at all times!” she growled back.

What the two dragons didn’t know is that Arcus was on the other side of the wall, hearing each and every word his parents said. The tears rolled down his face, forming a puddle underneath him. Every word about him hit like arrows beneath his scales. It didn’t take long for him to fly out of the castle.

After flying for an hour or so, he settled down on a cloud. His breaths came in short bursts, his entire body shaking as he cried.
That was when a voice interrupted his sulking.

”You alright?” the voice asked softly.
Arcus looked up to meet a pair of soft, green eyes. The dragoness neck was covered by a brown, lion-like mane. Her green, leaf-like wings brightened the otherwise muted greenish scales, and her woven horns held green vines.
"I-I’m fine,” Arcus mumbled.
”That’s lie and a half,” the dragoness answered as she landed beside him.
”What’s it to you?” Arcus growled.
”Well, it’s kind of my job to take care of all of earths creatures,” she smiled down at him.
”One, I’m not an earth creature, and two, why?” Arcus asked, looking at her.
”Well, haven’t you been sheltered? I’m Terra, guardian and sole ruler of the earth. What’s your name, sky?” she chuckled.
”Arcus,” he mumbled, laying his head down again.
”As in prince Arcus of the sky, or just Arcus?” she smiled down at him.
Arcus didn’t respond, just turned away from her.
”I’m going to guess I was correct. That’s really too bad, Fulgur is a… Female dog,” she added jokingly.
”I guess she is,” a soft chuckle escaped Arcus throat.
”So, any particular reason to why you dislike her, or just the ”female dog” part?” she asked.
”Let’s just say she doesn’t enjoy that I go down to the ground from time to time. Though I really couldn’t care less,” Arcus answered, finally looking up again.
”I thought I’d seen you down there before. You’re the one in the treetop, usually looking down at Ignis group!” she exclaimed.
”Ignis?” he tilted his head.
”The lanky fire dragon with the orange horns and pupils,” she explained.

Just the mention of him made Arcus face feel slightly hot.
”Oh, I see how it is,” she smirked at him.
”What?” he asked.
”You like him, don’t you?” she chuckled.
”What?! No, I don’t like him! He’s a male dragon!” he exclaimed, his face heating up even worse.
”Semi-male, they use he/they pronouns. And so what? Males can like males, it’s only natural. Though I bet you’ll realize that sooner or later lover boy~,” she smiled.
And without another word, she dropped off the cloud and flew away, disappearing among the trees and leaving Arcus alone on his cloud.
”Do I like him?” he asked out loud, as the thought echoed in his head. Just the image of the fire dragon made his face heat up, and he couldn’t help but smile as he imagined the dragons face.
”I guess I do,” he giggled, feeling the giddiness building up inside him.

”Like who?” a voice hissed behind him.
”Uh… Hey mom?” he smiled uncertainly.
”Like. Who?” she asked again, talking word for word.
”No one,” he whimpered back.
”Whoever it is, forget it. No son of mine will mate with another male. C’mon, it’s almost time for lunch,” she hissed.
”Yes mother,” he nodded, looking down.
”And what have I said about your posture? Straighten your back, eyes up, head high. At least don’t disappoint me with your stance,” she scolded harshly.
”I’d hate to do that,” he mumbled sarcastically under his breath.
Fulgur glared at her son for a moment, before flying ahead.

Arcus followed her slowly. Every little movement was an effort of willpower not to turn around and fly away.
”What if dad finds out?! What if he hates me!?”. The thoughts echoed in his head, only getting louder as he entered the castle. While his mother continued into the throne room, Arcus finally allowed his instincts to take over as he rushed into his room.

It only took a few minutes before a knock sounded on the door.
”Your father wishes to see you,” the old servant ordered.
”Tell him I’ll be out in a moment,” Arcus answered.
”Very well. I will inform the king,” the servant answered politely.
Arcus took a few deep breaths, before opening his door, slowly heading towards the throne room. The grand doors opened to reveal his father sitting on his throne with his mother beside him.
With a flick of his tail, his father sent away all the servants in the room.

Then he turned to Arcus.
”Is what your mother just told me true?” his voice was uncharacteristically cold.
Arcus could only bow his head in shame under his father’s cold gaze.
”Are you aware of the shame you bring to this family, THIS ENTIRE KINGDOM?” his father growled.
”Are you really willing to take away the respect for this kingdom for your own selfishness?” his mother chimed in.
”If I really bring shame to this kingdom, WHY DON’T I JUST LEAVE THEN?!” his voice changed from a whisper to an angry scream in seconds.
He quickly turned tail and ran. No one bothered to stop him on his way out. His father didn’t even make a sound, he just watched him leave.

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