Penny was sitting on the couch when Fred opened the door to the flat. Wrapped in a thick blanket and holding a steaming cup of tea.

„Hello sweetheart.“ Fred smiled as he kicked off his shoes and Penny looked up.

She smiled at him, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes and Fred noticed that too. Her eyes, which used to shine when they fell on her husband, were now sad and lifeless.

„How was it?“ she asked absentmindedly.

„I don’t want to burden you with that.“, he went into the kitchen and got a cup out of the cupboard and poured himself some tea.

Penny huffed. „You don’t want to burden me with that? Are you being serious right now?“ she looked at him intently when he came to her and sat in the armchair opposite her.

„You don’t have to react so bitchy.“, and that was the last straw for Penny.

„Excuse me? Bitchy?“ She stood up. „I asked you a question about your work, that’s what people do while having a conversation.“ she glared at him.

„And I answered you. What do you want to hear from me?“ He rolled his eyes.

„What’s the matter with you? Do you have something to hide?“

„What?“ he laughed and got up too, towering over Penny.

„You keep disappearing. You don’t tell me what you’re doing and you keep having excuses. So Fred, tell me, do you have something to hide or do you have something to tell me? Then tell me now!“, she yelled and felt how her stomach twisted and saliva pooled in her mouth as she tried to fought the feeling.

„No! I have nothing to hide! And if you don’t believe me, then I’m sorry! I would have expected more!“ he slammed the teacup on the table with such force that it shattered into a thousand pieces and Penny winced, shocked by her husband’s outburst.

And before she could say anything, her stomach churned and she vomited right at Fred’s feet.

„Brilliant,“ he just said while Penny burst into tears and fell to the ground.

With a flick of his wand the mess vanished and he went to help Penny up.

„No!“, she slapped his hand away. „Leave me alone, Fred. I don’t recognize you.“, she sniffled, and to be honest, she wished nothing more than for Fred to took her in his arms and held her tight.

But Fred didn’t do that.

Instead he left.

George saw his brother rush down the stairs to the shop.

„Freddie? What happened?“ he tried to block his way, but Fred walked right past him and slammed the door behind him.

„Shit,“ George mumbled to himself, running up the stairs.

„Penny?“ He knocked on the door.

„Penny, it’s George. I’m coming in now.“, he opened the door and looked around the room, and when his eyes fell on his sister-in-law, who was kneeling in front of the couch and trying to pick up the shards with trembling hands, he immediately rushed to her.

„Let me do that.“, George knelt in front of her and took her hands in his while he carefully helped her back onto the sofa and then used his wand to remove the shards.

„Do you want to talk about it?“ He sat down next to her and raised an arm, she understood and snuggled into his side.

„No.“ she sniffled.

Semper  - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now