"Mammoths are extinct," I tell her as if it meant anything to her. "At least you're not kidnapped,"

"How stupid do you think I am?"

"Stupid enough to follow a man holding a lollipop," I sigh, placing the teal cap onto her head.

Leaf sticks her tongue out, adjusting her cap as her eyes rests onto the bag I was holding.

"Ooh are those for me?" Leaf grabs the bag, looking through the contents.

"No they're for your friends," I bend down to snatch the bag away. A gust of wind catches me off guard as it hits my face, blowing my hat away towards the opposite direction.

"Hah," Leaf giggles, snatching the macarons back from my grasp. "Your hat got blown away haaha,"

"Follow me, and don't eat those," I eyed the bag in her hands.

I shuffle through the waiting parents, apologizing whenever I bumped into one, and head towards the direction my hat went. It landed on a patch of grass, resting under the shade of the oak tree. I sigh a sigh of relief when I find it and pick up my pace a little.

"LIA!" Leaf excitedly yells out of nowhere, running off towards the direction of the hat, almost running it over. Lia? Her friend?

"Leaf, I told you not to go too far!" I yelled after her, sighing the fourth sigh of the day as I bent down to pick the hat up. That was until an unknown hand lifted it up.

I look slightly up to see a guy with raven black hair—messy in all the right areas, staring down at me. He had a curious but warm glint in his auburn eyes, a grin appearing on his lips. He looks too...good?? He looked like a Michelangelo statue, except that he wore dark denim jeans along with a black shirt.

"Back to its owner," the raven haired boy playfully remarks. "I like your hat,"

My eyebrows furrow a little. It wasn't until I heard his voice that I realized how familiar he sounds. I felt like I heard that cheer-y, sunshine voice before. Have I seen him before?

He breaks eye contact and starts standing up, interrupting whatever trance I was in, and stretches his arm out. I smile and take back the hat and set it back on my head. I was about to thank the perfect man himself, but he smiled back at that exact moment, and nothing came out of my mouth. No words, nothing. Snap out of it Serena, don't embarrass yourself.

"Thanks kind sir," I joke after gaining back my composure. He responds with an amused grin as I adjust the straps of my bag, "I don't know where the wind even came from," Doesn't mean I'm not thankful for it though.

"SERENAAA!" I glance to the left, seeing the teal capped brat running up to me. Next to her was another girl with black hair tied in a ponytail along with a pair of doe-like eyes. She looked like she was the about if not same age as Leaf. So this is Lia?

"Did I not just tell you not even a minute ago to 'stay close?' What if some old man swept you off your feet, drove away, and sent you off somewhere while I was finding my hat?" I lectured her, but she didn't seem to be listening.

"That's your fault for not watching me then," Leaf huffs. "Why would you care anyways?"

"Are you serious?" I cock an eyebrow, crossing my arms in front of me. "I've seen articles about it. They would sell you off and worse case scenario, torture y—"

The girl instantly disappears from Leaf's side, running to the guy beside me. Oh yeah..I forgot they were here. I turned back to face the guy, a nervous smile plastered on my face as I mentally slapped myself. This is embarrassing.

"I am so sorry, I have a bad habit of rambling on and—" I cover my mouth to stop myself before properly apologizing to the man and Leaf's friend still staring at me. "I mean... Sorry!"

"You scared my friend away," Leaf eyes me, my mouth agape.

"Pfft—" A small chuckle escaped his mouth before he could suppress it.

I turn my attention back to the man beside me to see him covering his mouth with the back of his hand, looking away from the two of us. The little girl beside him was gripping onto the fabric of his jeans, sneaking little glances at me and hid herself whenever I looked back.

"I- Huh?" I ask him, somewhat concerned, after he calms down.

"Sorry sorry, you just looked really cute," He nonchalantly responds, bending down a little to pat the little girl's head beside him. 

"No she is not! She looks exactly like a beat up bear you would find in the clearance section of stores," Leaf says, grabbing a macaron from the bag and eating the entire thing whole. "A red bear now, look how red her face is turning!"

"Huh? Are you okay?" The guy asks, genuinely worried, after taking a look at me. "You're actually really red," Yeah, a really really really hot guy just called me cute??

I looked away so he couldn't see that my face probably grew even more red and flustered. I shifted my glance down towards the little black haired girl, but she instantly looks away, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes I'm fine! Are-Are you Lia?" I level myself with the little black haired girl, changing the subject out of pure embarrassment.

The little girl nods as a response, loosening her grip on the guy's jeans. I briefly look around and see most of the families gone.

"I'm her brother, Ash!" The guy bends down one knee, patting Lia's back. "Lia just gets a little shy around strangers, do you wanna say hi?" He asks Lia.

Lia gives a slight nod and turns her head to me. She opens her mouth as if to say something but quickly shakes her head and buries it in Ash's shoulder.

"Lia it's okay, I know she looks scary but she doesn't act like it!" Leaf assures her. Leaf, I'm going to strangle you when we get home. I glare at her before bringing my full attention towards Lia. I sit down in front of her, hugging my legs.

"Hi Lia!" I smile, giving her a tiny wave. "I'm Serena, nice to meet you," I hold my hand out to her as I start to feel Ash's stare on me.

Lia looks at my hand before slowly putting her own hands on mine. I felt my smile growing even wider as I clasped her hand, giving her a brief and gentle up and down shake. I felt my heart burst when I saw Lia and her toothy grin smiling right at me; I started to enter cloud nine when I turned towards Ash, his own charming smile and mesmerizing set of honey-like eyes, staring at me.

"Nice to meet you too Serena!" Ash says.


hihi guys!! Thank you so much for the votes and comments :) I'm happy that you guys are enjoying this story as much as I do (and I hope you will continue on liking it)!

As a small note, I have summer school to go to in about 1-2 weeks for the next two monthsfhdgjvuivsdnjftyAHHHHH

I'll write more whenever I have the time (and I promise that the next chapter will be longer!)

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