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"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."
— Paulo Coelho

"Serena, go pick up your sister for me, please!" Grace clasps her hands together, making a pleading gesture.

"Am I allowed to say no...?" I ask. No way did I want to waste my time picking that little gremlin up. I open the oven door and place the batter-filled tray into it, closing the oven door right after. I set a 35 minute timer and place it onto the marble counter beside me.

"No, it's your sister's second day of school," Grace puts her hands on my shoulders and turns me around towards the living room. "You promised me that you would after I allowed you to go to that one sleepover with Dawn,"

I turn my head to face her, the serious look in her eyes tells me she still didn't forget about it. That sleepover was a year ago, even I forgot about it?!

I sigh and ask, "but what about the cake—"

"Don't worry, I'll watch over it for you!" Grace says cheerfully and starts pushing me towards the exit. "Oh, here. Wear this," she hands me a straw hat.


"It's hot outside," Grace says, urging me to put it on.
I adjusted the straw hat to fit my head since it's a little too big. I groan and childishly kick a pebble away from me.

I'm in my second year for a little under a month now, one more year left until I graduate. However, my sister— the most annoying thing in this world— just started school for the first time in her entire life as a five year old.

Wait, speaking of, I don't even know where her school is. I already failed on picking up my sister just like what? Five minutes in...?

I pull my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and attempt to turn it on but stop as it displays a "low battery" sign. I look around when my face lights up when I see someone near.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" I ask, hurriedly walking over to a random woman scrolling through her phone.

"Yes dear?" The woman looks up.

"Do you happen to know where Kalos Kinder is?" I asked politely.

"Oh, walk across this street and take a left," the kind woman gestures before going back to her phone. I thank her with a smile and briefly look both ways for any incoming cars before crossing the street.
I arrived just in time and entered what seems to be the entrance. I look around and see a tiny brunette running around a lamp post like a bug.

"Leaf!" I call out to get my sister, Leaf's, attention. Leaf's head instantly whips to the direction where the sound was coming from, eyes rolling after she sees me. She slowly, but surely, walks over to me.

"What took you so long? I'm burning out here," Leaf crosses her arms. "And where's mom?"

"She told me to come get you, now come on," I gestured to her to follow me.

We started to walk away until a sudden gust of wind blows at me. Refreshing? Sure, but the hat that was once resting on my head was gone. Wasn't it burning hot a minute ago? Where did that wind even come from?

I look behind me and bend down to pick it back up, except someone else picks it up at the same time.

"Is this yours?" A cheerful voice asks me. I take a second to look at the man in front of me, his eyes somewhat covered by a red cap, and the smile on his face makes me feel at ease.

"Yep! Thank you so much," I smile happily, genuinely thankful for his kindness. I noticed a little girl beside him and was about to say something until I heard a scream from behind me.

"SERENAA!" Leaf yells in her high pitched voice, hands to her mouth like a megaphone.

"CALM DOWN I'M COMING," I yell back before turning back towards the two in front of me. "Thanks again! I gotta go now," I wave at them and jog back to Leaf.

"Agh I'm hungry!" The guy's voice from earlier said. I giggle and smile to myself when I hear the statement from behind me. After a few seconds, his voice disappears as we both walk away from the entrance of the school, and continue living our own lives.

Since, there's no way we would meet again.


A/N: Thoughts?? I really enjoyed making this chapter! I'm still kind of planning out this story so there might be edits or tweaks to this prologue, but hopefully I get the motivation to finish. Also, school is almost out for me so I'll definitely focus more on this and fully enjoy it! :))

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