Ch. 1

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"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other."
— Paulo Coelho


I stare intently at my phone, scrolling mindlessly through the many emails in my inbox, as I felt the cold breeze of wind blowing through my hair. I let out a sigh before burying my head into my arms.

"Serena?" I lifted my head that rested in my arms and turned it towards the direction of the voice, revealing a blue haired girl with captivating navy blue eyes walking up to me.

Dawn Berlitz. The girl who always used to ask if she could borrow my pens, since our first year of high school, just to end up losing them by the time I ask for it back. She's an eccentric ball of energy loved and adored by everyone. My best friend.

"Dawn?" I replied, stretching my arms out for a hug to which she happily returned it. Breaking the hug, she takes a look at me and gives a dramatic gasp.

"Oh. My. God...You look horrible," Dawn says, observing the dark circles underneath my eyes.

"Thanks Dawn," I muttered with fake enthusiasm dripping from my tone. I finish packing my bag and put a strap over my shoulder. I grab my phone from the table, placing it in the back pocket of my shorts.

The school day just ended, marking the fifth month of the school year finished. As much as I enjoy this, exams are about to be a major pain. Dawn, however, has been freaking out nonstop. Whenever I bring up the subject, she gives out an atrocious scream in an attempt to distract me and starts changing the topic. Does it work? Yes. Yes it does.

"What time did you sleep last night?"

"I didn't," I responded, earning another overly dramatic gasp from Dawn. I stood up from the worn down bench I was sitting on and started heading towards Dawn's car.

"Is it your sister again?" She hurriedly follows, fumbling through her bag for her car keys.

"I swear to you, Leaf gets away with every single thing she does," I opened the car door once I heard the beep.

"There there you poor little child," Dawn playfully says, patting me on the shoulder before putting the car into drive. "What did she do this time?"

I groan as I lean back on the chair, eyebrows furrowing when I remembered what happened. 

"She used my worksheets and textbooks as scratch paper to draw Pokemon,"

"Whoa, were they good at least?"

"No. No they weren't," I sigh. "I had to email my teachers at three in the morning to send me the worksheets so I could redo them,"

"YOU REDID THEM?" Dawn turns to me, eyes widened to the point her eyeballs could pop out any second. "That is pure torture,"

I nod in response, "I'm still waiting for responses from two of my teachers"

Dawn takes a left turn, revealing the familiar sight of the autumn colored trees. Red, orange, brown, yellow colored leaves filled the area, giving a warm and calming atmosphere. I find myself smiling as I take in the beautiful scenery.

"You guys argue a lot,"

"It's annoying, she's five years old and basically speaks perfect English," I roll my eyes, taking a sip from my water bottle.

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