Ch. 5

401 13 9

Dawn's POV
Friday: 3:47PM

I sat inside my car, stalling, and parked right in the public library's parking lot. I lean back on my chair, and from the corner of my eye, I see bags and bags of just-bought clothes and fabric that were sitting in the backseat.

I was stalling at nearby shops just right after dropping Serena back, going on sprees of mindless spending JUST so I didn't have to study. It might seem desperate but I hated the library.

Thursday: 7:36PM

"Dawn," my mom called me. I could tell from the tone of her voice that she was livid.

I entered the living room where I saw Mom sitting on a one-seater couch, reading a book. The television noise in the background was playing a random TV show.

"Hi mom," I quietly said. I tilted my head downwards, I couldn't bring myself to look at her.

"Where were you?" She asks, unusually calm.

"I dropped off Serena and her sister back home from their play date,"

She nods. "Did you study hard?"

I slowly nod.

"There's dinner on the table for you, bean sprouts tonight," she smiles and goes back to reading her book.

"You're not mad?" I ask, genuinely confused, after standing at the same spot for a minute.

"About that stunt you pulled earlier?" She raises a brow. "Serena texted me earlier and said that she set that song as your ringtone for you as a prank and that you were not aware of it,"

"Oh.." my eyes light up. "Yeah! Forgot to put on headphones yaknow, classic Serena hahahah.."

"You better go tomorrow though," she tells me, a hint of confusion laced in her tone. "With your headphones,"

"On a Friday?"

"Be thankful it's not a Saturday,"
I got out of the car after moping and questioning what I was doing with my life. I would rather do anything else than be going to the library for half of my day.

Being in libraries is suffocating. It's always so quiet there and if anyone makes even a little bit of noise, everybody at that table will stare you down—speaking from experience.

I clutch my tote bag and reluctantly enter through the entrance. Cool air hit me as soon as I went through, at least there's air conditioning here!

I went to the place I sat last time, except the table was already filled. Even at all the other tables, the seats were taken. The library wasn't this busy yesterday? I furrow my brows, are libraries always filled on Saturdays?

I turn and try to find other places with no luck. Every single seat was taken. Every. Single. Seat. Even the beanbags near the computers were taken.

The only place not taken was the carpet area. The only thing about it was that carpet was where little kids were read to. The kids reading area thing.

Soulmates (amourshipping!!) hiatusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora