"Really? Otani-chan can help us improve our quirks?" They said in unison, and Midoriya lifted a finger to correct them but it was too late.

Suddenly, she was being swarmed. She fumbled with her last book as the majority of the class crowded her desk. Hitoshi, standing beside her, got pushed aside in the stampede and he resisted the urge to mind control them all to back off.

"Can you help me improve my acid shot? I want to be able to use it offensively in a fight!" Mina squealed and hopped up and down.

"Can you teach me some of those evasive moves you used during our match? I'd like to spar with you again sometime and improve my fighting style!" Kirishima beamed.

"How about me mademoiselle? Teach me how to dazzle brighter than my enemies!" Aoyama posed in a funny way while gesturing to himself.

"Oooh can you help me focus my electricity? Right now it just goes in every direction, but you can help, right?" Kaminari asked in a flirtatious manner, which earned him a glare from Hitoshi.

"Can you help me-" Mineta couldn't even finish because Sero did everyone a favor and taped the grape.

Rini awkwardly stood there with her bag sitting on the table. A sweat rolled down her forehead at the scene and she tried to get a word out.

"You guys shouldn't overwhelm her like that, ribbit," Tsu commented as she walked past them.

Everyone agreed then apologized. They gave her some space and Rini silently thanked the green haired girl.

"Um, yeah I would love to help you all out. Maybe we can train in Hero class or on the weekends," Rini smiled warmly at her classmates.

Happy cheers and comments were returned at her proposal. Then they turned to Hitoshi and complimented him again for his display during the Festival. The purple haired boy felt a warmth grow in his chest and he thanked his classmates for their nice comments before returning some. Rini saw all of this and softly smiled at her best friend warming up to the others.

Afterward, they all got their things packed up and started heading out. Rini felt extremely relieved the day was over and the future she saw didn't come to pass. She contemplated looking ahead again, but she figured she'd take the two days off and save the future vision for her internship. She no longer had any bad vibes so she trusted her gut feeling.

"What are you guys gonna do for your two days off?" Kirishima asked their large group as they all headed downstairs.

"Sleep," Hitoshi immediately replied, causing everyone to laugh.

"I'm gonna relax and binge some shows," Kaminari said, and he earned a lot of "same here" chimes from the group.

"I wonder what our internships will be like," Hagakure threw that out there.

"Oh yeah, I hope it's not gonna be hard," Sato rubbed the back of his neck.

"Hope we all get offers too," Ojiro added with a nervous smile.

Everyone hummed in agreement. Soon they were by the shoe cubbies and lockers, but as Rini opened hers, a small note fell out. She quickly picked it up before anyone could notice and studied the neatly folded paper. Without drawing attention, she opened it inside the locker and read the message written in neat cursive writing.

I know your secret. Meet me at Showa Park tomorrow at noon.

Rini furrowed her brows and stared at the note in disbelief. There was no way someone could figure her out so easily. Sure she made a few tiny mistakes in class by saying specific things but other than that people never suspected her quirk was anything but ordinary.

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