"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know...I'm just asking." Harry sighs, wondering how his life will probably change once he temporarily moves in with Louis.

Louis leaves after that with a simple goodbye and nothing more. Harry watches him leave without saying anything, feeling something building up in the pit of his stomach that he doesn't quite like.


The next day is incredibly hectic for Harry. He has to get back to his dorm in-between classes, pack up a few boxes that he then carries together with Liam to the frat house. Louis is never there, so Harry has to ask Zayn where his room is.

There's already a twin bed shoved in the corner of the room, so Harry figures that is going to be his for the next thirty days.

It's half past eight when Louis comes back with the rest of the footie guys, all sweaty and panting with a grin on his face. He stops in the doorway when he sees Harry on his own bed in the corner, with a laptop in his lap.

"Styles, didn't think you'd so quick and eager to move in with me."

"Well...yeah. Thanks again for letting me stay."

"No problem. But I hope you're away that we sort of party five days out of seven, so if you thought you were actually going to get some studying done you were highly mistaken."

"Finals are starting tomorrow, I don't know what exactly you're planning on arranging, but I can guarantee you that people won't show up." Harry tells him, not looking up from his laptop.

"Shit, finals start tomorrow?"

"Um, yeah?"

Louis swears and Harry hears some rustling, before Louis is out the door, probably on his way to the nearest clean shower.

He kinds of needs one though, Harry thinks. He made the entire room stink of sweat, great.

He sighs and gets up to open a window in order to let some fresh air in. When Louis comes back, he's dressed in a pair of sweats and a Nike shirt.

"Alright Styles, teach me some psychology." He tells him and sits down against the wall of Harry's bed.

"Uh, what?"

"What do you mean what? We have an exam tomorrow right? Let's revise together. I know the basics."

Harry frowns at the unusual and uncharacteristic request, but obliges anyway. He sits down on the bed next to Louis. It's a tight fit, so their thighs and arms are touching, but it just perfect for Harry to prop the laptop on both their laps (and also smell Louis' cologne but that's not the point of this).

They go through all the notes Harry gathered on his laptop and notebook, quizzing each other, with Harry usually getting all the answers right and Louis a bit over sixty percent.

"Well, you're a lot better than you were a couple of months ago." Harry tells him right before they're about to start revising the last chapter.

"Yeah well, I've been sober more than I've been drunk recently so." Louis mumbles and stares at the screen maybe a bit too hard than necessary.

"That's a good thing." Harry tells him and looks at Louis through his lashes, in a way that isn't supposed to be flirty, but yet it is.

Louis turns his head to stare at him, and for a split of a second everything stops, before Harry leans in. Louis doesn't pull his head away, so it's a clear sign that what Harry is currently about to do isn't unwelcome.

Their lips meet halfway and after a short hesitation, Harry pushes forward, properly kissing him. It doesn't take long for Louis to open his mouth so they can deepen the kiss.

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