18.0 jumping from roof to roof

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"idol-star lee minho has died. his body was found in the JYP building's bathroom today and his death has been confirmed just a few minutes later by the-", minho didn't listen to what was playing in the radio, instead he was happily swinging his legs in the back of the police car. the open window let the cold breeze into the car and minho was enjoying the pleasant cooling, a little smile on his face as he saw the trees rush past him.

it's every little boys dream to be in the police car once in his life - though he didn't quite remember getting inside of the car in the first place, and sitting in the backseat.

well, it didn't really matter though, knowing that two policemen sat right in front of him was exciting enough.

"what a coincidence", the driver of the police car said with a shaking head. his tone was low, a little sad maybe, but minho couldn't really tell. "poor boy, my stomach hurts thinking about that we have to tell her".

the man next to him hummed, his leg bounced anxiously while he looked out of the window just like minho did, lost in his mind. "it's awful, really. don't you think she already got a hold of it?".

"the tragic death of lee minho is just one of the few reminders how dangero-", the radio continued to play in the background, getting drowned out by the voices of the policemen again.

"maybe. I don't know", he sighed. "he was so young, too. how old was he? twenty two? twenty three?", they turned left, minhos body getting wrecked to the other side of the car and only now he noticed that he wasn't buckled up. it didn't hurt, though. he didn't feel anything.

"don't know, all I know is that teens, no, idols-", the other policeman clicked his tongue, as if the word 'idol' ticked him off. "- they put themselves through too much shit to be famous. isn't worth it, look what it brought that guy".

"wanted to be an idol, now he is- is", he stammered, eyes still on the road. "dead".

"I'm not dead", minho corrected them, almost absentmindedly, staring at the car they passed. his voice sounded like it wasn't coming from him, like it was coming from outside, too far away that it could come out of minhos mouth. like a ghost.

"did it just get colder in here or is it just me?", the driver asked as they turned into a very, very familiar alleyway.

"I feel it too".

the car came to a stop in front of a big, white house. it looked just like the one next to it, but minho recognised it immediately. his house. his parents house.

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