4.0 making plans

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minho's diet consisted of low-carb meals, mainly just vegetables and some fruits throughout the day, at least two hours of exercise everyday and no sweets whatsoever for the quickest and best effect.
he told himself it's fine. since he was the only one who had gained such a significant amount of weight, it was just fair that he was the only one that had to restrict on food so much, right?

after minho got back home from the weight in and talk with the dietician and his manager, he told himself that he needed to lose  the weight as quickly as possible or he would just look fat and ugly on stage - and nobody wanted to see that.
not really knowing how many calories he ate a day, he made a deal with himself to only eat about a thousand, since that sounded pretty low to him.
how much was a thousand calories anyway? if he was only allowed to eat vegetables and maybe, just maybe, rice, then he could surely still eat just enough so he didn't need to starve to lose weight. yeah, that sounded like a good plan.

tomorrow when he wakes up, his diet would start. and after he lost all the weight he could go back to just eating normally again, that was his plan.

minho woke up feeling motivated. he jumped out of bed after feeling the first few rays of sun on his nose and went straight to neatly making the bed. if he started his day organised, then the rest of his day would be organised too, right?

his limit for today was a thousand calories, he had googled how many calories were in white rice and chicken and decided that he could have a little bit of that in the evening if he only ate vegetables before. he was sure it wouldn't take him long to lose all the weight, it'll be fine eventually.
he wouldn't get sick or anything, that wasn't something an idol should do.

after doing his bed, he went into the dining room where jeongin and seungmin already sat, talking and enjoying their breakfast. minho sat next to them.
"good morning", seungmin said between munches and minho smiled at him. then he looked down at the cereal that they were eating and bit his lower lip. it looked awfully good - but minho just shook his head.

no, no you can't, he told himself. too much sugar and carbs.

so he got up and went to the fridge, opened it and ignored all the sweet stuff in it before grabbing a few already chopped up veggies and sitting next to the other two boys again. minho felt jeongins eyes on him. "why are you eating this?".

minho gulped nervously, but only shrugged his shoulders to look like it wasn't a big deal. "I got told that I needed to lose a few pounds after the weight in, so I guess I'll start", there was a little pause before minho laughed uncomfortably. "yea".

he couldn't lie, the cereal not only looked good, it also smelled good, sounded good when the others chewed on it and must've felt good when it was munched on. minho was jealous but he was also determined; he needed to lose weight. quickly. and he needed to make the woman, the dietician, the other members and his fans proud of him again.

so he finished the veggies and immediately got up and left the kitchen to ease his mind, then he looked at the schedule and decided to do his hair and put on some comfortable clothes for dance practice. he unknowingly smiled at the fact that he just knew that he was going to burn so many calories today. losing weight would be a piece of cake.


sweat was dripping down minho's temples as he slowly sank to the ground, panting. dance practice was finally over - all of them had danced for about 3 hours and it would be an understatement to stay that they were exhausted.

but minho was feeling awfully good. he was lightheaded, only having a few vegetables and dancing for hours probably wasn't the smartest thing to do, minho knew that, but god it made him feel good and satisfied. he must've already lost some weight, right?

at this thought he got up again and looked at his reflection in the mirror. he saw how the sweat had wetted his hair and how his face was red from moving so much. but his gaze fell to his thighs not shorty after and he scrunched up his nose. in his eyes it looked like his legs were filling up his sweatpants completely. they looked absolutely massive.

then minho's gaze fell to seungmin, who was drinking water in the other corner of the room, his eyes wandered down to seungmins legs and minho felt his stomach drop.

his sweats were so so baggy. it looked like it was basically hanging off him.

as jealously rose up in minho once again, he got up and walked to the speakers, took out his phone and connected it with it. he saw how the others got ready to get back to their dorm and looked at the clock on the wall.

if I just work out and dance for another hour then I could burn some extra calories and still have some free time for the rest of the day.

he smiled to himself at this thought. it'll all be okay.
"hey, lino! aren't you coming?", jisungs voice echoed through the practice room and minho flinched at the sudden noise. regardless, he put on a smile and turned around to face the other.

"I'm not so satisfied with a move. i'll just work on it until it looks better", he answered calmly and hoped the other would just accept it.

jisung paused for a moment and minho saw his eyes scanning him from head to toe.
why is he looking at me like that? do I look ugly?
minho felt his face heat up.

no, he probably thinks I'm fat.

he lifted his arms and put them around his stomach. then he saw jisung shrug from the corner of his eye and they all left the room, leaving minho behind.
of course he thinks I am. otherwise he would be worried. you idiot.

swallowing down a big clump in his throat, minho finally put on a song and walked in front of the big mirror again. he looked at his reflection, saw how his clothes didn't hang off his body like they would if seungmin wore them and started dancing.
he danced and danced and panted and sweat with the picture of seungmin in his head.

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