Q&A Answers

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I had that "song" in my head for the entire day and now I must pass the curse onto you <3

also I'm sorry I didn't get this out on Friday, I lost motivation but here it is! be glad I didn't leave the whole book behind lol.

no sounds come out of the living room as if it's empty, though, you do not know if it is or not as the room has it's lights off. it was almost pitch black in the room. suddenly, 2 red eyes peek out of the darkness. they don't last for long and immediately disappear. a few seconds past by and soon enough, a tabby cat jumps on the coffee table and sits down. moonlight comes through the window and shines upon the cat, the same blood red eyes it has stare at you. in a blink of a eye, the tabby cat turns into a chocolate haired woman. mocha sits on the coffee table with her legs crossed and her body leans back by the support of her hands sitting behind her. her red eyes stare at you while a smug smirk lays on her face. "did I scare you?" she asks then chuckles wholeheartedly right after. her eyes turn back to blue as the lights turn on to reveal vox and shoto sitting on the couch. shoto had his head on vox's shoulder but immediately lifts his head up when he notices our presence. 

"so as you know, I will be answering your Q&A questions!" mochas smiles big before nodding over to them. "they will also be answering but I'ma answering mine first. saving the best for last." her smile stays as the 2 disappear from the couch. mocha brings a phone out from her pocket  and turns it on. after a few seconds of her flipping on her phone, she starts talking again. "so, first question." her smile grows back on her face as she reads "where do you get your inspiration? asked by TerracottaBlock." mocha think for a minute before saying "I don't really get inspirations from other people, I mostly use other people as examples rather than inspirations. like how to do something like smut, I look at one other's book to take examples. you get me?" mocha snickers before turning back to her phone. "next one.. hm.. what's your favorite food, also asked by TerracottaBlock. my favorite food would be fish and dumplings. even though I don't eat them often." she smiles then looks back down to her phone. "if you could be anything in the whole entire world like, literally anything, e.g. peanuts!. what would it be? asked by TerracottaBlock." mocha lets out a hum before saying "I would be either a black wolf or a crystal. especially those pinkish white ones. basic I know." she giggles and shifts a bit before saying 

"thank you for reading this book! make sure to have a great day darling! now, continuing on, what country do you live in? asked by totallyamniki. I live in Canada and was born in Canada." she smiles before turning back to her phone once again. "is there gonna be side ships? also asked by totallyamniki." mocha rests her ocean blue orbs on you before firmly saying "yes. I will tell you who later." she giggles and waves her hand in dismissal. "thanks for reading the book totallyamniki, have a good day!" she smiles before saying

"what is you're favorite game? fangluoan asks.." mocha thinks for a moment before finally saying "I don't really have a favorite game but I find horror games really fun. I plan on playing a lot of horror games when I make my own vtuber." mocha daydreams for a second before snapping back into reality. "how many pets do you have? once again, fangluoan asks. I only have 2 cats and I plan to get a dog. I used to have one but he wasn't friendly with children and we had a 'child' with us, so we had to give him up sadly. he was a very beautiful pitbull too." mocha frowns as she reads the next question "do you watch anime? asked by the none other than fangluoan. I do watch anime but not so often. I've only watched a few animes and I don't remember their names." mocha gives a apologetic smile before saying "thanks for reading the book and have a great day!" then she turns back to her phone. 

"are there going to be any potential ships or characters like Ike, Luca, Shu, Uki, Fulgur, Sonny, Alban, Yugo, etc? asked by Killuas_Waifu. now, I promised to tell you the ships I may add, so here I am! I will be adding Uki x Fulgur, Yugo and probably Sonny x Alban.. I don't know about the last one though." she puts her phone down and says "thanks for reading the book! make sure to have a great day Killuas_Waifu."

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