chapter 5 ~ The Date?

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I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. Luckily my cabin connected to a town which gave me water, electricity and everything else a normal household would need. My wet hair covers my face as I pick up my clothes and start putting them on. When I finish, I stare at myself in the mirror. I now felt way better now that I was clean. grabbing my knife and putting it in my pocket, I then turn away from the mirror and head outside my room then go straight downstairs where I get a chocolate bar and start to munch on it. I sit on the couch as I start to think about that dream I had last night. The kiss felt so real. I could taste him. All this is messing with my head. I put my thumb on my lips, making a weak effort of re-making how vox moved his lips with mine. His lips were so soft too and my rough feeling hands weren't helping at all. yet I still have to remember he's a demon. Never to be trusted. It's either I spill his blood or he spills mine. not even seconds later, my mind wanders and I imagine him putting his hands on my waist while I sit on his lap. Facing him. He looks at me with lust in his eyes but before I can imagine anything further I shake my head. For the thousandth time, trying to get the thoughts out of my head. I groan while covering my face with my hands. 'Why can I get this demon out of my head?' I think desperately wanting to go back to the town. Find the demon and kiss him breathless but the fear of being stabbed in the back takes over me. And plus! He was a demon! You can't have romantic feeling for a demon! Standing up I stare at the broken window. I really should clean that up.

I finish sweeping up the broken glass and put it in the trash. Sighing, I go back to the living room. Sitting on the couch I debate if I want to go back to the town. After a few minutes I decide to go back. I missed the demon's touch even though how much I knew how much it was wrong. I wanted to go back.

Sitting back up, I walk towards my door. I put my shoes on and head out the door. The forest sits there making me feel nervous. Grabbing my knife from my pocket I start walking towards the forest. Following trails and being constantly on guard for any demons, I finally make it to the familiar dark and gloomy trail. Quickly speed walking down the trail I realize how far the town was. Maybe I didn't realize because I was distracted by the demon chasing me but it was far. Maybe about 10 minutes to get there. But after awhile I get to the town's entrance. I didn't realize before but there is a sign that reads "Akuma Castle" I guess I was to distracted of that demon who was chasing me to realize. Walking into the town a bead of cold sweat drips down my back making me shiver. I really don't want to meet another crazy person here. I've suffered enough. I then notice that the town is more busy today, I wonder what's happening today? is it another one of those celebrations? I walk past some teenagers and I hear something surprising. "I heard that our Lord is going to chose his lover soon!" The first girl says "and they will rule together!" The second girl says "do I look good enough for him to chose me?" The third one asks "girl.. if he doesn't pick you, he has terrible taste in women." The forth girl says, hyping her friend up. Vox is choosing his lover soon? Is he going to chose me? No. Even if he does what will the people think? Vox needs a woman not a man to rule with him. Why am I even guessing for a second that I would be picked? I continue walking down the street, jealousy covering my features. I can't even imagine him with another woman. but why was I feeling like this?. 'Just because vox flirted with you doesn't mean he wants to be your lover!' I think while running a hand through my hair.

I bump into a hard chest stealing the air from me. "Watch where you're going Shoto." A masculine voice says and I instantly recognize it to be vox. Looking up to him I stare into his bright yellow orbs until he speaks once again. "You came just in time for lunch, follow me." He says taking my hand in his then starting to walk off. I blush while following him. "I have Prepared a table for us in a restaurant. I'm sure you'll like it." Vox says as he tilts his head up confidently "I'm sure I will. I'm not picky anyway." I reassure making him look at me. "And just wait till we get home." He mumbles and I look at him with curiosity. Before I can question him about it he drags me inside a expensive looking restaurant. Vox talks to the waiter for a few seconds before the waiter says to follow them and so we did. He brings us outside, there was a table that sat alone and he brought us there. It looked very romantic. This table looked way more romantic than the others. The table had a roses in a white vase on it. The table was a circle and could fit 4 people. It was made out of dark wood and the chairs were black and they also had cushions on them. Vox pulls out the seat for me and I sit not forgetting to say thank you. Then he goes back to his seat across from me. He sits and looks at me "get whatever you want, I've got it covered" he says then right after looks at the menu. "I-.. okay." Looking at the menu I go wide eyed. The first meal I lay my eyes on was more expensive than every single organ in my body! Looking at the other meals they were the same amount or even more expensive than the first meal I saw. There was Wagyu beef that was 20,105 yen. About 200 dollars in Canadian cash. (I'm going off of Google here, trust me) and sukiyaki which was 10,000 yen. Near 100 dollars, again, in Canadian cash. "I-I don't know what I should get.." I stutter still looking at the menu. "Hm. I suggest you should get the Wagyu beef." He was about to continue but I cut him off "but that's the most expensive thing on the menu!" He chuckles and I look up from my menu to see him already looking at me. I could feel my face get hot just from him looking at me and I don't know why. Rubbing my face in a attempt of getting rid of the blush, I listen as he continues "I told you, I'll cover it." He says softly and I look up again. "How about some Katsudon or Oyakodon." He asks and I tilt my head "you chose I don't mind." The truth was I didn't know what the 2 dishes were. "Katsudon it is then."

Dreams ~ Vox Akuma X Shxtouحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن