chapter 13 ~ The Voices In Her Head

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vox pov

"just fucking come out!" I yell out. Aiden had run away but I knew his plans. he would stalk me until I put my guard down and that's when he would attack. I hear a animalistic laugh making me turn around quickly, a black wolf that was almost as tall as me was running at me. it had red eyes and his mouth was open, showing off his sharp canines. it didn't scare me though. I move out of the way when Aiden pounces, making him hit a tree. "idiot." I grip my Solomon sword's handle tighter while walking towards him. he was back into his human form and looked dazed. i start to speed walk to him, not wanting to waste any time on killing him. i raise my sword, ready to slay this idiot of a demon when i hear a shout. "vox! oh how long I've been looking for you!" a distressed mysta calls out. i wave my hand signaling for him to back up and he does. i stab the demon in the heart and he gasps before falling limp once again. if i was any later he would of got up and did something ugly. i look back to mysta to see massive amounts of worry on his face. "what's wrong?" i ask and mysta immediately answers "shoto is in trouble vox! h-he's bleeding o-" i cut him off "where is he?" i ask hurryingly "he's in the castle, I-" he tries to say something more but I've already walked off, heading off to my castle. 

shoto pov

groaning, I go to move onto my side but a raging pain in my stomach stops me. i yelp in pain and move back onto my back. i open my eyes to see i was in a hospital bed and curtains were covering my sight to see anything more. there was a window that was giving me light. it was almost nighttime by now. the sun was setting at it looked amazing. heavy but quick footsteps could be heard, making me panic. i sit quickly but once again the pain makes stop in my tracks. i hug my stomach and softly whine. squeezing my eyes shut i wait for who ever is going step in my room. the sound of curtains opening could be heard and then soft footsteps are next. a hand on my shoulder makes me flinch and shut my eyes tighter. "sho? are you alri-" before vox can finish i have jumped into his arms, not caring about the pain. but eventually the pain gets worse making me hug vox tighter and let out a small whine. "its alright. I'm here." vox says softly while laying me back down onto the bed. i look up at him when he's done laying me down to see that he has a gash on his cheek. he also has bruises and cuts every where. i sit up before asking in a weak voice. "a-are you-u o-okay?" he nods but I'm still not convinced. "i-i think y-you are t-the on-one that-t should g-get t-treated." i joke but right after a shot of pain goes through my stomach, making me groan then hug my belly again. he pushes me back down on the bed softly while saying "you should get some rest. you're going to make it worse." i nod softly and close my eyes. i hear vox shuffle a bit, I'm probably guessing he sat down in a chair. a few seconds past and i start to fall back asleep, that's when vox grabs my hand. he interlocks his fingers with mine making feel safe. i fall asleep instantly after that.

??? pov

that bastard.

he wont survive.

he's a liar!

the voices in my head chant as i watch the so called shoto, sleep with a long haired demon by his side. aren't they supposed to be at each other's necks? a demon slayer and a demon 


and i mean 


be together. one day one of them are going to kill the other one. i watch as the long haired demon leans down and kisses shoto's forehead. i growl and start to slide down the roof of his castle. i drop down then quickly run into the forest, trying not to be seen but of course one of the gardeners saw me. they yell out for some guards and on command 3 guards start following me. i growl and it seems that one guard is faster than the others, giving me a chance to lash out on him then run again before the others can get me. i swing around, facing the guard and strike the guard with a simple swipe of my claws. sadly my claws weren't poisonous like my father's but i still did a good job at scratching people. the guard falls to the ground and right when the guards get distracted by their fallen man, i run into a bush. just far enough to hear them. "are you okay?" one of the guards ask as the other guard walks past, still looking for me. the guard doesn't respond making the guard look up to the other one which was looking around the area for me, still in view of the other 2 guards. "I'm going to bring touji inside, ill call in reinforcements." not waiting for his partners response, the guard grabs touji from the underneath of his arms and starts to drag him away. once they were out of view the guard starts shaking out of fear. "i shouldn't of taken this job.." the guard before me mumbles. he was right in front of my bush and i was ready to pounce and so that's what i did. tackling him to the ground i lay my claw against his neck. he trembles but doesn't make a move to fight back, in fear of me making a simple movement that will end his life. "tell me why i shouldn't end your life right here right now." he shiver but speaks right after. "i-i have a wife and kids! i need to pay for their food! we'll all die if i die!" i smirk at the idea making the guard widen his eyes. "p-please. please!" i was about to end his life when i get shot by a tranquilizer. i fall to the ground, the drug making my eyes droop. 

you cant die like this!

wake up!

you must take revenge! mother would be disappointed!

even with the voices in my head hyping me up, i fall into a deep sleep anyway. they were right. mother would be disappointed. I'm sorry mother.

I've failed you.

oh no.... a short chapter.... nooooooooo..... anyways. i like the ending so be it. im really hungry now so ima go eat and you should to. go grab a snack or sm anything would be great. maybe get water to. have a 4 course meal. anything you'll like. but the most important thing you need to have. is a good day/night! c:

1192 words

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