part/chapter 5

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i look behind me sheepishly "hello? is anyone there?" i call out. I just did the classic horror movie cliché, stupid, stupid River of course if someone is there they are gon a say 'yeah right over here dude just gettin ready to murder ya'.
My feeling of fear that im being watched starts to grow stronger, and stronger so i decide to get the hell out of that grave yard ASAP (as soon as possible. i leg it out from the gates and past the clearly haunted angel statues which always freak me out, and i have a good reasonn for that but now is not the time to say about it as i run for my literal life feeling like someone is following me.

I get into my house after running for about 8 blocks and through the woods which i like to call eerily enchanted. i pant and go up to my room to see that my mum has left something on my bed; a small box wrapped in red gothic looking paper and with a lace cover to protect it. this looks odly like Lilith's style of pressent wrapping.
Regardless of the fact that it lookss like lilith wrapped it i open it and what is inside shocks me almost half to death...

Liliths red gemmed spider necklace, skull earrings and spider webb ring. she would NEVER have left ANY of this go, only if she was dead...
i tear through the rest of the box looking to see if anything else is placed in there, if this was done by lilith it would have a hidden note as well as a sneeky little hint showing what she could be up to. I find the hint, and a note; her hint is a an ebony seed and her note says:
'ebony tree full of spring and love. no one to blunder and ruin the views, no one to disturb the silence of spring. thats where i lie thats where im found, listen to my pretty little song as ebony trees gorw every two squre miles. but no, no this one is all alone at the ends off the enchanted woodland by the little lake that shimmers in the sun and is a home to many animals. Thats where you may have the luck of finding me'
i drop the note onto my bed and try to piece together what all her little clues could mean, as she NEVER let ME touch her assesories EVER not even ONCE so for her to givve it over she mustve been in such danger. OR she wants ME to wear it to her funeral in memory of her. Then the ebony seed and her little note could be saying where she will be burried if thats where ill 'find her' which is so queer considering the fact that she never really liked being found and much preferred being alone so the fact that she actually wants some attention this time round is very weird.
but i have to ignore that fact and just get into bed and try to sleep for her funeral- thats if her funeral is still going to happen...
I turn off the light and groggily go to bed, but i cant sleep; i just lay in bed awake thinking about what could be wrong with Lilith as something dose not feel right about her whole suicide case. it feels much more like this is all being put on for the benefit of someone- but WHO?

My alarm goes off, signifying that the time is 6:45 AM, time to get out and get ready for my best friends funeral.
I put on this beautiful black lacey dress she got me a few weeks back because it compliamented my figure, i also put on the assessories that used to be hers wishing she was still here. I put on my high heels which are a shiny red accompanied by some black eyeshadow and red lipstick- i look like what she used to love and how she would dress me up.
I still have a creepy feeling that it's not over for Lilith, like shes still alive or something and i dont know what it could be...
It just keeps eating away at me, it has ever since last night when i looked in the abandoned chapel. as though someone was trying to reach out to me, someone alive- someone i know personally.
Hurried, i grab my bag as well as my phone and rush down the stairs off to Scarlet Cross road where Scarlet Graveyard is, thats where Lilith's ceremony is being held, but i know for a fact that she DID NOT want to have her funeral THERE- she clearly told me if she ever died she would not want to be burried or even have her ceremony in Scarlet Chapel, 'over my dead body' she would always say but thats a little bit ironic now, considering whats happend.

It doesnt take mme long at all to get there, i live on Scarlet Bay which is two blocks away from Scarelt cross. I fianlly walk in through the doors of Scarelt Chapel, ive never liked this place too many bad memories such as this one riight now seeing whether it is my best friend in the coffin or not.
I pray that shes not, i swear to God that its someone else and that everyone has just gotten it mistaken but as i walk up to the coffin i see that it is her; my beautiful best friend lying there lifeless dressed in her beautiful red ballgown, rose in hand. all i can think to myself is how beautiful she looks and that i would kill to steal a kiss from her- but i can't, that would not be morally right it would be disturbbiing her from her rest. Even though there is something off about how she is lying in the coffin, she doesnt look so lifeless or like  a suicide victim "excuse me, Mrs Ross. how did Lilith end her life?" i ask innocently wanting to know in order to figure something out,
"she made those horrible marks on her arms and took too much medication, it was a sad end to her life with not many injuries involved. if it were me id say she doesnt look dead at all and that someone is doing a sick act" her mother responds gloomily wishing what she said could be true.
But what if it is actually true?  i wonder.
i wait until after the ceremony where evryone gets at least 5 minutes alone with her. I go last like she wouldve wanted me to.
but something happens that shocks me when i go to grab her hand...

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