part/chapter 1

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I shoot up from my sleep, just a nightmare. It felt so realistic; but I know it couldn't have been, right?
Rolling over I look at the time 8:45 Am is illuminated on its face meaning I have to get ready for school before i am late- not that I really care.
But I guess ya know what they say: ' the thing about life is first you need to have a little bit of hope and faith'.
Not that I have or want any hope or faith, never really understood having hope or even a little bit of faith as I've always seemed to have the worst luck.

Stumbling, i get out of bed to find the first thing I can wear, which is clean, for school.
I start by brushing my frizzy birds mess which normal girls call their hair, what's thhe point in it looking nice honestly!, I try to get it back to just looking like it's normal curly mop of mess.
I leave my room and drag my unwilling soul down the stairs to leave out the door and go to a place which I hate so dearly just to be greeted by a problem.

I take what feels like a 6 year walk to my school,northen high, until I reach the gates. Its rather empty, emptier than usual...
And i have a strange nagging feeling; the voice in my head is a screaming 'somethings not right walk away go home hide, before they find out it was you!'
But I did nothing so i have no clue what it could mean.
My heart pounds in my ears and as I walk up the steps to get into the main part of the building to where my locker is.

I get half way through my lock combination before we get an emergancy announcement on the tannoy: 'Everyone head to the Main hall immediately for an important assembly, thank you!'
I look around to see people looking confused 'I don't know man, something ain't right...' I hear a person say as we all head towards the hall as we are instructed.

So I curiously walk with 100,00 other students like a hungry pack of wolves as if the hall was our prey and we ,the wolves, were the predators.
Entering the hall I take a seat and we all sit in silent waiting to see what they head will say when she arrives.
Suddenly a door at the back of the hall slams, all the murmers fall quiet as Mrs Goole, a rather cold and ignorant woman, walks down the hall and onto the stage.

"My fellow students, thank you for all heading here at such short notice at the the of this morning. We apologise for the inconvenience to lesson one but we have sone news which may come as a sharp cold shock to some of you and to others. Well, you'll be expecting this as you know already. It has come to my attention that a student at this school,Lilith Ross, has died unexpectedly last night." Mrs Goole mutters into the microphone infront of her
"It was believed to be a suicide attempt that worked but we can't say any more about her suicide just yet. But if anyone has any knowledge about Lilith and why she may have done what she did please come forward as it would help us a great deal in finding out why she did this to her self."
She adds coldly stepping off the stage as if to be avoiding questions from curious students.

All I'm able to think is how strange this all is, why would Lilith kill herself?
What was her motivation?
She always seemed so happy what could've driven her to the point of no return?

But all I can feel and think is that something about her death seems so familiar to me, as if I was there and I knew how she was feeing.
"Um.. Mr Roggers, sir do you know how she, Lilith, killed herself?" An older boy from year 12 asks
Mr Rogers looks sorrowful, shakes his head and mutters a silent no before also stepping off the stage and starts to dismiss students to the last 45 minutes of their first lessons.
"Students if we find anything else out about Lilith another assembly would be called to explain all about it but for now we would love for you all to just go to lessons and act like you haven't been told this horrific news" Mr Rogers adds

I walk out of the hall feeling like someone has punched me in the stomach. I knew Lilith well, she was like a sister to me
But now I have to act like nothing is wrong and navigate my way to the last agonisingly boring biology. Acting like she isn't gone is so much harder than it sounds as she was in most of my lessons, she knew all of my secrets everything about me. And plus, all of my lessons were only made brighter by her eagerly answering questions- she was always a geek.
All I know is I wanna go home, or have breaktime hurry along so I can explore what happend to Lilith without the schools knowledge.

Hours and hours of boring lessons pass one after the other after the other until it is my study period before lunch time. All I can think is thank god I can look into this problem myself.
Walking to the library where I spend my study period all I can see plastered to the walls is a sea of colourful suicide prevention posters and photos of Lilith with the words 'never forget me' written underneath them in bold. Apart from the posters the halls are eerily quiet, a gun could be shot off and it wouldn't hit anyone not a soul, just the body of air.

One thing was still playing on my mind:
How, and why does Lilith's death sound and feel far too familiar to me?
Like i was involved in some way-
But i dismiss my foolish ideas and feelings, I mean wouldn't you. If you were in my situation?

I push open the heavy wooden door entering the library, it was like entering a silent wasteland filled with rows upon rows of books which are just waiting to be read.
I walk up to the closet table and start my 'study session' which technically was as I was thinking about what happend to Lilith as well as completing my history homework on the 1950s looking at a wide range of topics which I couldn't be asked to recall properly.
During this session all i could think about was Lilith;
Her beautiful Auburn hair, her emerald green eyes which sparkled so hard, her soft,sweet, caring voice and her warming and welcoming smile.
She kept playing on my mind... how did she die?
Why did she die?
Who did this to her?
What made her life so not worth living that she ended it?

I knew it would be my goal to to find out this information as there was NO WAY she just "killed herself" as she always used to say 'suicide? No way! Not a chance in hell! That's for the weak and I'm not weak'.
So she never could've killed herself without a form of motivation, right?

I hear the door to the library slam open suddenly i jolt into a protective stance as the person walks closer. But to my surprise it's no one of a danger its just Daisy, Daisy
Hockings she walks up to me and cheerfully says "hey River! I haven't seen you around here in a while!"
Yeah that's right... my name is river, river stoning if you want to be exact. Which I now realise I didn't say at the start of the whole little drama.
I sigh annoyed "hey Daisy long time no see I guess what are you doing In the library?" I mutter wishing I could get rid of her someway or somehow.
"OH well um... Ms Taylor sent me in here to grab the English books that we are studying, twilight, you interested?" She chirps back waiting for my response while staring me up and down as if she's better than me "no. Twilight doesn't interest me, too lovey dovey for my liking thanks. Can't see why we don't study Miss peregrines home for peculiar children you ask me. It's a good read and suits everyone no love there eh!" I respond chuckling but I can see Daisy is not impressed with my response.
"You would say that, being a goth an all, load of rubbish the lot of what you like come into the real world and not your messed up fantasy land River!" She says walking off.

In that exact moment I know what I wanted to do- rip. Her. Head. Off
The voice in my head was trying to encourage me to as well: 'it will be quick and painless for the dear little birdy, go on no-one will have to find out. Not if you run that is and act like you were never here' the voice kept nagging the whole time she was here. Which reminds me I really need to see a doctor about what is going on with that voice as its starting to bug me a bit as I don't know what it is or why it's here and it's staring to become worrying if I am completely honest...
It's so violent in it's ideas always looking for trouble, craving to make me feel paranoid which it's succeeding in at the current time.

The bell rings to call out the fact that it is lunchtime which means I can either fight for my food in the cafe of our school or go off campus and just be back in time for 1:45 Pm when my last lesson starts.
I thing going off campus is the best bet as then on the way I can stop off into the doctors surgery and ask for an appointment to be made to talk about this voice thingy in my head as 'it' is starting to cause some bother.
I gather my things and stuff them into my bag running out of the library to sign out at front desk so I can go and eat out- the joys of my lunchtime! But strangely all of a sudden I get this weird feeling; I need to kill someone or something and I don't care what happens I just NEED TO.
So as quickly as I can I walk out of campus and happen to see a few classmates of mine walking down to the new coffee shop that's opened up recently.

I start to walk faster to see if I can find anyone alone, and then I find her...

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