Ep1- Independence Day pt2

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With a growl, the Genomorphs jump into action. Robin does so at the same time, getting in front of Kid Flash, Discharge, and Aqualad and dropping a smoke bomb. He shoots a grappling hook to the bottom of one of the support beams.

Kid Flash backs up as a Genomorph slashes at his face. Dodging, but just barely, before he walks on the wall and dives at the two with dual punches, then pushing off the opposite vertical support, executing an inverted flip and pushing off to kick on in the chest and back through the smoke.

A Genomorph swings its tail to knock Discharge down but she grabs it before it hits her, She swings its around knocking down all the Genomorphs that were charging towards her. Another Genomorph decided to sneak up to attack but Discharge was quick roundhouse kicks into the smoke.

Aqualad has one on his shoulders slicing at his chest and gripping his head. He gets ahold of its arm and throws it off, combating the next one coming at him with a front kick to the chest as well.

However, at his open and unguarded shoulder, Guardian body-checks him. Knocking him off his feet and into a crashing barrel roll, then into the plating under the insectoid Genomorphs. Guardian charges at him again. He stands and attempts a triple cross combo, but Guardian backs out of his range and when he’s following through due to the power he puts behind the punch, once again leaving his left shoulder open to Guardian.

Aqualad’s tattoos glow before electricity travels through the shield and into the hero, giving Aqualad the advantage and making him able to throw Guardian to the ground. The G-gnome falling off his shoulder.

Kid Flash grabs Discharge bridal style and runs through the smoke and makes their escape.


Outside the room, where the alarm is blaring, Robin is hacking into one of the ports. Aqualad and Discharge who is still in Kid Flash's arms make it down the hallway from the growl Genomorphs, the younger speeding towards their fellow protége. Aqualad chances a glance back, then follows as well.

Kid Flash skids to a stop and turns accusingly to the younger teen as he places Discharge down. "Way to be a team player, Rob!"

"Weren’t you right behind me?" he questions, surprised, but not stalling in his hacking of the elevator. It opens and the three dive in, turning and facing back down the hall as Aqualad continues to run from the Genomorphs, diving into the elevator and the door closes right behind him.

The numbers are going up, which means they’re going deeper underground. Aqualad is the first to voice not only his concern but also his dislike which is obvious in his harsh tone. "We’re headed down?"

"Why the heck are we going down?" Discharge asked, also in a harsh tone

"Yeah Dude out is up." Kid Flash makes his point by gesturing in that direction. The older teens look at the Boy Wonder in tensed confusion.

"Excuse me?" Robin questions, offended. "Project Kr, it’s down on Sub-Level 52."

Aqualad puts his arm between the two physically cutting off the conversation. "This is out of control." then moves it to rub the back of his neck as he moves to the far side of the expansive elevator. "Perhaps- perhaps we should contact the League."

Robin sprints out, colorful cape flying behind him, leaving Kid Flash to turn to Aqualad. "We are already here."

The eldest sighs in an effort to not get mad at the younger protéges. As he comes to be next to them his voice is tense. "Which way?"

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