Kangaroo Court

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King Sonic paced around the room, his feet smacking against the cold stone ground as he contemplated his thoughts once more. All in all, he was pissed off. Sure, he had managed to regain control of the throne again, and restore peace to Knothole, but what use was that??! The striped bastard had escaped, along with his henchmen, meaning the danger was still out there somewhere! After all the people they had managed to hurt and injure, they at least deserved punishment of some sorts. But no. Shadow had managed to leave at the drop of a hat, and escape. The sick fuck needed to be locked up. Chaos knows when he'd attempt to strike back and it was making Sonic paranoid. He hadn't been able to sleep at night, thanks to his ex rival. He was dreading the day when he might wake up to those metal shoes at the side of his bed, the cold, chilling voice of Shadow shooting through his ears, as he got once again, exiled. Or worse. Sonic had weakened in his age. Shadow would never look a day past twenty five, and the dark hedgehog's mortality had truly become the great divide between the two, and sonic found himself struggling far more to keep up. But the blue hedgehog held his pride despite everything.

Sonic wasn't malicious. He didn't want to kill Shadow. Rather just- keep him contained. Possibly keep him as a punching bag for days he got angry-- but even then, that felt like it was going too far. Shadow was, unfortunately: emotionally unstable. No matter how long he kept up his callous and angry façade, it always faltered one way or another, and Shadow would accidently let his real emotions slide. And Sonic had seen that happen one too many times. Shadow- at the end of the day, always did, what he thought was right. And what he thought was right, was usually a sick and twisted depiction of what others thought was right.

Sighing loudly, looking out the window of his chambers, into the pitch black night, Sonic remained restless. Shadow had told him he'd return, and that alone had Sonic on edge.


A couple of weeks passed before the unexpected happened. King Shadow had been caught. Not willingly, that was for sure, but he had been caught. Apparently the echidna tribe had found him, deep in the woods, sleeping in a cave. Which seemed... rather undignified for Shadow.

Sonic observed his entrance to the castle gates, citizens booing and throwing rotten food Shadow's way, each piece hitting him square on. Shadow didn't even bother to avoid them. He had definitely become the most hated King in the whole of Knothole's monarchy, and in such a short time period too. He was being lead by Knuckles, who seemed rather proud of himself, tugging on Shadow's chains repeatedly as if he were a dog, apparently glad to see the red and black hedgehog look like such an inferior citizen. Sonic however- couldn't help but think Knuckles was over doing the tugging now, considering that the dark hedgehog kept repeatedly spluttering every time the shiny chain around his neck was yanked. But he didn't say anything. Shadow hurt Knuckles just as much as he had hurt Sonic.

Walking the dark male further into the castle, it became apparent that everyone in Knothole hated Shadow. And with a burning passion too. Servants alike, all came out of their quarters to either boo, or yell curses at him, many of them cheering their beloved King Sonic, repeatedly telling Sonic to either kill him, or torture him.


Sonic couldn't do that. He had considered Shadow an ally at some point in his life, he just-- couldn't. He knew Shadow always had backwards morals, but then, that was to be expected. The guys only role model had been a small girl, who he had lost in horrific circumstances. And Sonic was pretty sure Shadow had misinterpreted her wishes too.

Glancing behind him, Sonic was quick to notice how utterly exhausted Shadow looked. He held his head high, however, and took the onslaught of malicious threatening comments with ease, as if they brushed right off him. But Sonic was also quick to notice the lack of fighting back Shadow had been doing. Taking another glance, that question was quickly answered for him. Shadow didn't have the energy. Shadow had been deprived of pure Chaos energy for three weeks now, and that was taking a toll on him, definitely. Without any raw chaos power around, Shadow's reserves had ran almost dry. Sonic observed that the darker males tied hands kept softly glowing, however only to become immediately extinguished soon after. His Chaos abilities literally couldn't hurt a fly at this point. Sonic found this rather amusing, and wasted no time pointing it out to him.

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