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It starts to rain, as always in Gotham. The usual soft sounds of the raindrops hitting the pavement control to angry, fast slaps against my feet. It felt like tiny pins digging into my skin but I didn't care, not at all.  

All I can pay attention to is the helicopter flying away from Wayne Manor. My mind is running faster than me, making the night lights of the corrupt city blur past me. My heart was beating out of my chest with adrenaline and...fear. Fear of losing my brother, the only family I have left. 

The helicopter's side door opens and Penguin yells out, "You just don't know when to quit, do you, sweetheart?!"

The Penguin then goes back in and holds Dylan out in the air, making him scream out of pure terror from the height. My fear and anger push me to run faster, hoping to have my brother back and to catch him.

The Penguin looks at Dylan and back to me. He squawks out a laugh and throws Dylan back into the helicopter.  I begin to lose hope as I slow down slightly. Everything is starting to hurt now. My legs feel like they're on fire, as well as my lungs.

"You bring me the Batman, or the little bugger dies!", says the Penguin. 

The helicopter picks up in speed and height, my heart aching and my stomach dropping to my feet. 

I yell out, "DYLAN!!"

And the last thing I heard from the sky was, "(Y/N)!!!"

*time skip*

I don't know what to do now. My mind is quick to berate me and my actions. Why didn't I save him? Why wasn't I faster? Why, why, why?

I had failed to protect my bro-


I snap back to reality(oop there goes gravity) and realize I'm sitting on the curb with an umbrella in my hand as well as a blanket around me. I didn't even realize how cold I was so I pull it closer to my body. I then look at the location of the voice.

My blank and red eyes stare into Batman's masked ones, damn near close to crying again.

He says, "Ma'am, do not worry. We are trying our best to locate the helicopter and your broth-"

I mutter, "He asked for you in exchange for Dylan."

He nods in acknowledgment. 

He replies, "Thank you for telling me, Ms. (Y/N). "

He then gently pats me on the head and walks away to talk to the police officers.

I continue to stare, feeling devoid of emotion and energy. I get up from my sitting position on the curb, close the flimsy umbrella, throw off the coarse blanket and walk to my car. I pull out my key from my purse and get in. I suppose I wasn't taking in my surroundings when Red Robin knocked on my window. I slowly roll it down and listen with little interest.

Red Robin says, "It isn't safe at night."

I reply, staring forward, "It isn't safe at all."

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