Chapter 26

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** Long chapter everyone. Clo's back story is revealed! Her father!!**

"Well that was definitely an interesting evening." Chris says sitting. "You had fun and you know it." I laugh as he lays down on one of the over sized loungers. Beckoning me to join him. His arms open. Settling myself into him, I lay my head on his chest. "It was. Knew you could tear up a dance floor baby but wow. You were amazing. Even though it wasn't always with me." He grunts out. "Stop. They were all our friends." Laughing at him. "Sorry baby. I have a bit of a jealous streak." Sighing a little he confesses. "Really? You? No! Hadn't noticed." Laughing out the words. "Smart *ss." Kissing my head. Both of our gazes turn to the heavens above. The night's so clear you can see every single star in the sky. It's the most beautiful night I've ever seen. His fingers playing with my hair. I hum in contentment. "Me too baby. Me too." His smile coming through his voice. We stay silent for a few minutes. "What's on your mind Peggy?" He snickers. I shiver. "I freaking love that. Such a turn on. Me saying one word makes you quiver. I'd bring the suit home but I'm kinda afraid to. You may never let me take it off." He cracks up. "May be a small bit of truth in that statement." Giggling out. "Even if you got to take it off me? You'd get a good look at those tattoos you like. Or is it the chest hair?" He teases me with his tone. "Freaking Aud. So embarrassing." I huff. Going to kill her. "Don't be shy about it. I think it's cute. You think that I haven't drooled over you?" Feeling his chuckle in his chest. "Not for twenty years." Gasping I bring my hand to my mouth, then putting my face in my hands. "Bri. Don't be embarrassed. It's sweet. My girlfriend should be my number one fan right? I know I'm yours. My creative genius of men's wear." His lips press against my forehead removing my hands from my face. "Look at me Bri." Finally able to look at his face. Which is wearing one of his signature goofy smiles. Teasing me. "I adore it. I really do." His lips meet mine. "Girlfriend huh?" Smiling the same as his. "Yup. Most definitely. You're not getting rid of me now beautiful." A deeper more passionate kiss greets my mouth. "Handsome can we go inside?" Moaning out the words softly. "Absolutely. Loving we've been banished to the pool house. I think you thoroughly grossed your brother out this morning. Come my love. I recall earlier there's a side of me I told you about. One I've been very anxious to show you." Scooping me in his arms bridal style he walks us to the pool house. "Glad no one is going to be able to hear what I'm going to be doing to you tonight. Or how you'll be screaming my name soon." A deep commanding tone takes over his voice. Making me shiver in his arms. "F*cking love that." He growls.

Setting me down on my feet at the foot of the bed he turns to the small couch in front of it. Placing his suit coat and vest on it. Eyes never leaving mine. Slowly undoing his tie throwing it on the bed. Sitting he unbuttons his sleeves and collar. Rolling the arms up. Showing the glorious veins in them. My favorite things about his arms. "Take that dress off. Slowly." He demands. I eye him curiously. "Don't question me. Do it." His voice commanding. I slip the spaghetti straps off my tight silk red dress down. One at a time. "Turn to unzip it." A gravely tone in his voice. I do as told. I like this side of him. Undoing the zipper the material falls to the floor. Revealing the lace corset set I have on underneath. Thigh high stockings held up by garter belt straps. A string going up my backside. His breath hitches. "Exquisite. Face me. I want to see you." I pivot slowly. Kicking my dress out of the way as I do. When my face meets his. His eyes have darkened with lust. He doesn't say a word. They roam from my feet to my eyes. Taking me all in. He stands. Stalking his way to me. Almost as if I'm pray. I quiver at the intent on his beautiful face. Those piercing blue eyes burrowing into mine. He discards clothing as he does. By the time he gets to me he's undoing his belt buckle. I bite my bottom lip in anticipation. Making him groan. His pants drop to the floor while he takes his thumb to my mouth. Running it lightly over pulling it from my teeth. "Get on your knees." Whispering softly in my ear. I drop instantly. "Good girl." His boxers meet his pants at his ankles. "Part those pretty lips of yours." I can barely contain my excitement. His hands in my hair as he steps closer. I try to lean forward. He grasps it tighter. Holding my head still."Uh, uh naughty girl. Daddy is in control." Quivering as he releases a mischievous laugh. "Look at me. I want to see your eyes as I f*ck your mouth." Turning my head up. His demeaner different. His smile wicked. Holy sh*t. I'm so wet it's dripping down my thigh. "Now princess. We're going to have to talk about something first." His hardness right against my lips. Confusion fills my face. "Oh you don't know? You should really be careful what you say on that certain media platform you have. You know the one you posted that video on?" He laughs loudly as my confusion grows. "The one where you said, I quote. Ransom Drysdale's the meaning of Daddy. I'd do anything that man asked." My eyes grow wide. I blush in total shame. "Oh sweetheart. If you didn't want me to see it you shouldn't have put it out there. After I give teach you this lesson that needs to come down. Understand?" His gaze intent. I nod. "Oh no. I need words. Do you understand?" His voice stern. 'Yes." I stutter out. "Yes who princess?" One side of his face pulls up in a smirk. "Yes daddy." That did something to him. Instantly he is filling my mouth.

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