Chapter 10

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                   I climb off Thomas reluctantly. Darn you brother. Always the worst timing you have. Chris and Elsa have their suits on ready for the hot tub too. She is caring a tray of snacks and he another bottle of wine with two more glasses. "I figured we had such a large late lunch something like this would be perfect." She said smiling at me taking the seat to my right. I thank her for doing that, so I didn't have to. "I never get to do this for you when I am here, so I was happy to!" We all sit and chat about our day and how much fun we all had. Thomas was so happy he could be somewhere. Not worry about cameras in his face. Chris reminding him that he told him so. "Speaking of which though. If I didn't get a selfie of us all together I would never forgive myself." He grabs his phone and snaps a couple of all of us. We all sit for a few more snacking and talking. It was nice this time with all of them. Just being. I think on the huge change my life the last few days but, how happy I am. The conversation leads to them all leaving and the thought of not seeing my bestie for a while made me so sad. She looks at me with all this love on her face "Hey, no sad face! I am excited to see you in just what in a couple weeks, not even right?" Shoot I forgot about that. My girl's trip with my friend Audrey. Oh my god. How am I going to tell her this? She is obsessed with Thomas. That's how we met through a fan group. We found out with both have a lot in common. We have the same sense of humor. Even past heart breaks seem so similar. We joke all the time we must have been sisters in a different life. I hope in my heart she will be ok with all this. I chose to let it go for now and deal with it as it comes. It's not like there would be any reason for her to know until the right time when I can. I will probably tell her when she gets back to US. When she flies home I fly to see my down under family for a few days before going home. I just smile back at her. "My darling, I wish I could join you. I am so sorry I have a play I am in at home." He kisses my head. I just nod and tell him I understand. He has no idea I know he is in a play. He has no idea that I am flying my girlie to see it for her birthday as a surprise. I can't tell him. I can't ruin this for her by being like. Hey by the way! I'm dating the guy up on that stage you freaking adore! Happy Birthday! I'm not going to do that to her. He will never see me while we are there right? London is huge. As for the play we are back in row seven so he will never see me with all the stage lights. Everything will be fine I tell myself. I know it will be. So, I let my worries go and be with my friends. We have a great time. Wine was flowing and snacks were great. We laugh so hard. I start to feel drowsy. I need to take a shower too to get this chlorine off me before I fall asleep. I excuse myself and say good night. I let Thomas know to take his time and have fun with his friend. And head up to bed.

            I wake up a bit when he came in. I had taken a quick shower and laid down. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep so quickly. It had been a very busy day. I must be exhausted plus all the wine didn't help. He kisses my head and tells me he is taking a shower. He will be back in a few minutes to wrap his arms around me. I smile at him, and he heads to the bathroom. I realize he is naked and I have a really great view. He turns and laughs at me. "Stop ogling my backside darling. Go back to sleep. You need the rest." Fine I sigh. I hear the shower turn on. I lay in bed trying my hardest to stay awake. Knowing that I can't but it's worth the shot to have a night like I did last night. I start thinking of last night and my eyes start to get heavy, and I am out again. I wake up when he crawls into bed next to me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer to him. He takes my hair down. I have found he likes to bury his face in my hair and smell it as he falls asleep. "Goodnight my Queen." He says sleep in his voice. I turn to face him and whisper in his ear. "Good night your majesty." I giggle. He opens his eyes. "My pet if you would like to get any sleep tonight I suggest highly watching what you say next." Daring me using his Loki tone. "Yes my king." Taking the bait. "That is it girl. You asked for this. It's about time the two of us met anyways." He pushes me on my back and holds my hands over my head. "Don't you move an inch Midgardian. Only to take all of what you are wearing off. I will be back in just a moment. You better be completely naked with your hands just where they are. Understand?" I nod. "I want to hear you say it." He growls in my ear. I whisper out yes as best as I can. He gets off top of me. I take a moment to breathe. Why is he in my closet? I do as told and strip down to nothing putting my hands back where they were before as instructed. Staring at the ceiling I wait for him. I can't believe he is doing this. I can't believe I am doing this. I am getting what hundreds no, probably hundreds of thousands of women fantasize about just as I did. I was deep in thought when he comes back in the room and clears his throat. I turn my head and see he's fully undressed staring at me. F**k.

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