Chapter 15

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          I can't believe what is on my phone right now...

Evans* Venue booked for eight hundred from me and a couple other people beautiful. The 11th is all yours at the Copley in Boston. Avengers... Suit up?

Chris H* Already planned on it. See you and little wombat on the 11th sister. Love you

Scarlett* Would be my honor Cap lol. Nice to meet you Sabrina! Can't wait to meet our girl on her birthday! Evans told me all about you!

Mark* Guys you know I have no suit, Lol. But I will be there put me down for two tickets too. And, nice to meet you Sabrina!

Jeremy* Heard this can be a kid friendly thing so it will be three of us!

Paul B* Ditto to Mark, I just look like a giant strawberry in that paint! Hahaha It will be my pleasure to help Madame Loki. lol

Chris H * Gross, please don't call her that. She is basically my sister.

Me* Get over it brother. Lol

Chris H* Never ;)

Sebastian* Mackie and I are in for sure. On set now so he wanted me to answer for us both.

Bradley* On set now as well. We are coming even if they don't recognize half of us! HAHA

(Bradley Cooper. Be still my beating heart. I adore him. And oh my god! Sebastian Stan! I can't wait to tell Audrey this!)

Clark* I heard the birthday girl is actually the biggest fan of mine and a young lady from my show. And is very sad I was killed by someone in this chat lol. We will be there also. There is a bunch of us probably 10 that can make it.

Paul* Antman is ready.

Tom* As I said, Zen and I will be there. Didn't know it was her birthday though. What the heck do you buy a fourteen-year-old girl?

Me* You both being there will be more than enough trust me Tom. Thank you!

Thomas* Are you all seriously going to steal the rest of the time I have left with my lady on my last day here? And Clark really man?

Clark* So living on this moment for at least a month and I will make sure to remind you of it. hahaha

Sam* Before I say yes, I have to ask Miss Kristen here. Tom told me something I must know the answer to. Is it true instead of swearing in your house you say Mother Flurken?


Thomas* Yes darling I did lol.

Evans* That is awesome Sabby girl! Wish I could have heard that lol.

Sam* Now that is answered. I am breaking out the eye patch now.

Benedict* Already emailed Tom this morning. The wife and I will be there. Looking forwards to meeting the fantastic woman who stole my best friend's heart. Although seeing it on Instagram before hearing from him is disappointing. I have spoken to the other Benedict, and he is going to ask the cast of his other movie. Hemsworth tells me Sabrina you told him that was one of your favorites and Chloe likes the leading lady in it so we will try to get that done for her!

Elizabeth* Yes we are going to take the time to meet your girl Tom! Sabrina, Chloe told me what a huge fan of me and the rest of the Marvel ladies when she thanked me on Instagram for wishing her luck. We will all be there from my understanding I have reached out and heard back from all but one. I think Gwen is filming then so she is not going to make it. We are all looking so forward to meeting you.

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