Adventure Arc: Episode 2

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"You fools no nothing! It's Chaos! The God of Destruction. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" The genius doctor laughed, but he grew cautious of the boy and decided to keep tabs on him.

Back with Sonic and Killua, the two were walking back to get some rest. Not far from them, a red floating orb was zooming around the city. It was looking for something, rather someone. The floating orb scouted around until it sets its sights on Killua.

"That was bizarre.... Just what was that thing anyway?" Killua muttered to himself as he strolled.

"You okay there pal?" Sonic looked behind.

"Yeah, just questioning some things is all. Let's head back and- Huh?" The strangest thing happened to Killua. Everything seemed to have stopped. As it time around the whole world paused.

Sonic wasn't moving, there were no sounds, and the rain droplets stopped midair. And everything was black and white.

"What the hell? Who's doing this?" He was on guard and got in a defensive position.

He looked around carefully analyzing his surroundings until the floating orb descended in front of him.

"An orb? Are you the one who caused this? Woah!" He blinded by a bright light as he couldn't see, forcing him to cover his eyes.

When the light did die down, Killua opened his eyes and looked around. He wasn't in Station Square anymore. He was in what looked to be a temple of sorts.

"Where am I?" He questioned and slowly took a step forward before walking, taking in the surroundings

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Where am I?" He questioned and slowly took a step forward before walking, taking in the surroundings. He kept walking until he heard another voice.

"The servers are the 7 Chaos Emeralds...." The voice stopped midway as the person in questioned turned around. They looked like from Knuckle's race but female. She wore tribal clothing and accessories. She turned around and smiled softly.

 She turned around and smiled softly

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Hello there, friend. How are you?"

Killua couldn't help stare at her for a bit. He didn't realized he was sporting a small blush but brushed it off. "What were you just saying before? And where am I?"

"Huh? It's something my grandmother taught me. I'm never to forget it. It goes like this.... 'The servers are the 7 Chaos. Chaos is power.... Power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the Chaos.' But I'm still not sure what it all means. But the number 7... Is the same as the number of Emeralds there are."

"You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"

"Forgive me, but I don't think we've ever met before.... And you certainly aren't from here. I'm Tikal. And you are?"

"My name is Killua Zoldyck."

Before he could say anything else, the world around him started to turn white. He looked around confused and tried to talk to Tikal but she kept her smile before it all went white.

"Hey! Hey! HEY!!! Mobius to Killua, you there?" Sonic waved his hand in front of the boy's face, making him wake up from his trance.

"H-Huh? What happened?" He shook his head.

"Dude, you just stood there. One moment we were walking and the next you just stopped. You looked like a zombie."

"I-Is that so?" He gripped his head.

"Hey, you okay? Need some rest?"

"I think I could go for some rest. Thanks."

"Don't mention it."

The two speedsters ran through the city to get some sleep. But the red orb floated on top of one of the buildings and glowed, revealing to be Tikal.

"Soon everything shall be revealed to you. It's only a matter of time before you hear the full story. You may be one of the keys to save this world... Killua."

To be Continued

Free and Wild like Lightning (Killua x Sonic the Hedgehog Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin