12. Epilogue

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After that first night, full of love and pleasure, passionate feelings, the couples woke up closer than ever...
Their bond, started the night before had deepened. It seemed to the girls that now, through their blood, streamed also the knowledge and stories of the generations past, of the clans they belonged now.
It was beyond the telepathy bond they could feel between each other and their beloved. Their eyes had been opened to a new, and at the same time, very ancient world. They were Queens among their kind.
And new powers started to show that same day... Telekinesis, Levy found the book she wanted like magnetically drawn into her hand.
Enhanced speed, and resistance, as both Erza and Lucy found out, while working out. Erza was amazing now even more with her katana, moving at surhumain speed. Juvia noticed that barely needed air while swimming, with exceptional speed and resistance, deeper than ever.
Mirajane experienced the most exceptional physical change though, noticing that she possessed an incredible demonic powers, and that her mood influenced these changes. The sweet, angel like Mirajane turned into a She Devil, part of the power she received from her partner, Laxus, who was the master of their clan.

Their partners were thrilled that they adapted so well and so fast to their new life, and the specificities of their kind. They were even sexier, sassier, bolder now. Even the shy Kinana, was bolder now, having strong powers of divination and telepathy.

In moments of anger or excitement, their new form showed, like it did for their male partners. They had fangs now, that showed more or less, depending on their mood. Anyway, now they were feeling more secure knowing that they could take care of themselves if anyone tried to harm them.

Have a look of their new appearance...


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But thankfully most of the time they were their sweet, cute, normal selves!
In the years to come, very soon, they had they greatest joy of having a baby.
Mira and Laxus had a son, named Markus, after an ancestor on his father's clan.
Juvia and Gray also had a son, named Silver, after Gray's father, who had his mother's blue curls, and his father's grey, deep eyes.
Lucy and Natsu welcomed a girl, Nashi, as first-born. A cute and cheeky little girl with blonde pink hair, that looked like rose gold, with her mother's chocolate big eyes.
Erza and Jellal had a wonderful little boy with purple hair and pale green eyes, Simon.
Levy and Gajeel had twins, Emma and Jade, boy and girl, with their mom's blue hair, honey eyes, but looked a lot like their dad specially when they frowned.
Kinana had a pretty little girl, Chleya, with violet hair and big green eyes.
They were all feeling so happy and blessed, that everything went well with their beloved wives, who could bear a child of their kind safely, and giving birth quite easily, all of them.
Their children were going to grow, and their parents wouldn't age, not one single day, not until they decide, that eternity could end, and finally rest.
But until that day far away, these families were going to live many adventtures, and enjoying their peaceful, secret way of life.
Even Gray's half sibling, Lyon, found happiness and a family of his own with Meredy, which became his Queen, giving him a beautiful little girl with pale pink hair and violet eyes. The two brothers became very close and fond of each other, and their wives were best friends as well.
Who could have imagined, that a Summer holiday would change the life of these six girls, for eternity...

The End.

Hello minna! I hope that you would enjoy this final chapter, and the whole story. It was intended to be an easy to read, a bit exotic story, with a touch of magic and paranormal in it... Please leave any comments, I'd deeply appreciate it!
I'll come back with some new story soon. Check my other FT fanfics too! Thanks to all my readers.
Arigato minna!
Author chan, Juvia.

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