6. Discover, And Dare...

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The second day of that incredible journey, started as peacefully as the one before. The girls met for breakfast, with their unusual suitors being as polite and kind as ever.
They decided that morning to spend some time together in the hammam of the Palace, which was much bigger and greater than the one they've seen at their hotel.
It was a magnificent vast place, with several compartments, devided by marble columns, and walls covered with mosaics, and there where also small individual cabins, closed by carved wooden doors, where they could ask any massage or skin and body care.
There were several pools, following which compartment it was,and each had a vault, embellished with tassels, and wholes to let come in the light. The first was the hottest pool, where actually it was for a steambath. Then, after a warm quick shower, you could enjoy a massage, and gradually fresher pools.

 Then, after a warm quick shower, you could enjoy a massage, and gradually fresher pools

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Lanterns hanging on the walls, and candles, in lots, of many shape and colour, gave enough light, letting the place yet in a cozy, decadent atmosphere

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Lanterns hanging on the walls, and candles, in lots, of many shape and colour, gave enough light, letting the place yet in a cozy, decadent atmosphere.
Mirajane, sitting on the edge of the warm pool, after having a steambath and massage, was sipping her rose and Hybiscus infusion, and as often, she was the first to talk.
'' Now that we have some time alone... Let me know girls... How was it yesterday? Isn't this simply a dream? They are gorgeous, hot guys, they treat us like queens, and we live in a true Palace! I mean, what could possibly go wrong? '' She was visibly mesmerized.
'' Maybe the fact that they are... VAMPIRES ? '' Erza raised one eyebrow skeptically.
'' We still don't know... What if their attitude change? What if this is just a trap? '' Levy asked nervously, twisting and fiddling with a lock of her hair, like she used to do when she was deeply worried.
'' Maybe we should address this questions with them... I mean... We have the right to learn more about their kind... And what involves being their wives. '' Juvia added.
'' That's not a bad idea, just hoping that they won't lie to us... Although Natsu doesn't seem the sharpest tool in the box! '' Lucy said laughing.
'' Talking about learning, I also want to visit their library here today. Maybe I'll find some answers. '' Levy said.

After the hammam, they joined the young men for a meal, and after, they all separated by couples, talking together.
'' Luxus, may I ask you something about the rings you showed us...? ''
'' of course''he said
'' you said that they were in your families since generations, and had belonged to your mothers... But your kind can't die right? ''
'' yes... And no. It all depends of our destiny and purpose. We all feel, at a certain age, that our time has come. And simply, by stopping to intake any form of blood, we rapidly start to age, and in a matter of months, we die peacefully. ''
'' oh... Does a couple must die at the same time? ''
'' that's not an obligation, but it happens often that both decide to end this '' eternal life ''. He answered with a weak smile.
'' is there any other sickness, or weakness for your kind? ''
'' No, since our mutation, now we're adapted, there are no accidents... But long time ago, we had some losses and grief... We aren't heartless you know? ''
'' I believe you... '' she said, allowing him to kiss her on her cheek.
Meantime, Juvia and Gray were endulging in the shade, and fragrant freshness of the closed garden. It was down near the patio, but was closed by preciously carved Cedarwood, on every side, leaving the thick vegetation cover almost the white fabric that sheltered from above. In the middle of large couches and divans, a small fountain seemed to sing her clear song along with the birds near them.
Gray sat laying his back on the thick cushions, and he pulled Juvia around her waist, to lean more over him. She blushed, but she couldn't help feeling well in his presence.
'' Is there something you wish, or want to ask me? Gray said.
'' well... Yes, how did you know? '' she blushed.
'' don't forget we have some talent for telepathy, at certain distance... '' he smiled seductively.
'' then, tell me... ''
'' you wondered how do you actually become a, Vampire's bride, right?... Well... It's quite simple. On a night when the Moon is full, the bride must agree to give her beloved some drops of her blood, thus becoming one of our kind. The ceremony must take place among other Vampires, and be followed by... Well what usually follows any human wedding... '' he smirked, a faint blush on his cheeks, almost hidden by his long raven bangs.
Juvia's mouth only formed an '' Oh'' but she couldn't utter a word, blushing, and covering her face with both hands. He laughed, pouring her some more fresh tea, and kissing her hair, smelling her fragrance of Gardenia and Sandalwood.
Meanwhile, Kinana and Erik were playing his snake, Cubelios. He said how he had been his oldest friend, during a lonely childhood. His parents were killed, by a rival family of their kind. He was adopted by Jellal's family, and therefore grew up together. But he had always been lonely.
'' until now... Now that you are here, I feel like a part of me I missed, is, finally found. See... Cubelios likes you too... And he seldom lets anyone else touch him'' he said, while Kinana played with the purple snake around her arm.
That afternoon, Levy, went with Gajeel to the library of their home. She was amazed by the old books and grimoires she could find there. It was Paradise on eart for her! She could do all her studies... Maybe, for eternity?
She started reading, while Gajeel lazily layed on a soft carpet near her.
'' Are ya worried Shrimp? ''
'' Don't call me that''she rolled her eyes, then answered' 'no, I' m not afraid. Just curious... There's so much to know about you.. ''
'Me? Gheehee..' 'he asked with a cheeky grin.
' 'you know... Yes, you, and, all your kind...how many memories you must have! It' s like have lived several lives for us... ''
'' Believe me Lev'... It could seem like a prison. And very lonely too. '' he said lowering his gaze. Levy looked at him with more tenderness than she was even aware of.
Erza and Jellal had spent part of the afternoon in the training room. With mirrors on each side, up to the ceiling, carpets on the marble floor, there were any kind of sword or knife on the walls, along with other weapons and shealds.
They trained for a few hours with a katana, and Jellal was quite impressed by his '' bride to be'' ability with a blade.
' 'very impressive MyLady... I am truly impressed and glad to see that we share the same passion for this art.' '
' 'It' s, an art, but also a way to protect myself. '' Erza answered, keeping up her gaze, into his deep green eyes.
'' I assure you, that as long as I shall breathe, nothing nor no one will ever dare threaten You. '' he kissed her hand, pushing softly a strand of her scarlet locks away from her eyes.
'' if you give me your faith, Erza Scarlet, I'll make you happy for eternity... ''
She smiled softly, still holding her gaze. '' Is it really so easy? Nothing is required from us? Luxus talked about testing ourselves...''she asked.
' 'You will learn about it soon my dear' ''.
Lucy had spent some time reading a book she had found in the living room... While Natsu played with his strange Bluish and white Cat, that seemed to understand what his master said, and interact with him, more than an animal usually can.
'' Natsu, can you please stop talking so loud to your cat.. Its not like its going to answer your anyway...''Lucy huffed from the couch, when Natsu laughed lauder.
' 'You Shouldn't say so about Happy! He' s not an ordinary cat! He's from an ancient race, almost lost. And don't forget that we communicate by telepathy... So... I could read your thoughts too! '' and he laughed again, while a half angry half bewildered Lucy threw pillows at him.
'' Not fair Natsu... So.. You can read my thoughts and feelings? ''
'' well, your thoughts, when we're close enough... But it doesn't mean that I can be sure of your feelings for me... I need you Luce'... Been searching for you for so long you know? Hey, and you know what? This evening it will be funny... Hehe for us mostly... '' this he said in a whisper.
'' What do you mean funny? '' Lucy wasn't feeling reassured at all by Natsu's childish and cheeky attitude. He seemed almost a bit dense, she thought...

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