Chapter 2: The Beginning II

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"Casey?" She called, hearing footsteps approach.

The van doors were flung open and two Kraang stepped forward. Cora shrieked and grabbed the hockey stick that Casey left behind.

The Kraang grabbed her and pulled her, so she slammed into the other one's little squishy brain thing. Cora would be lying in every way if she said she had even the slightest idea about how to fight them.

Luckily, that did work and the brain squealed, climbing out of it's body and scampering off.

"Kraang has located the blue turtle." The remaining bot said, throwing her to the side. "Human will be mutated."

The bot walked toward Leo and reached out, so Cora panicked, slamming the stick into his back. The bot didn't go down entirely so she hit it again. And again. And again.

By the time Casey finally came out, Cora might have slammed the stick into that bot a hundred times. He grabbed her arm and pulled her off.

"Okay, okay! It's out!" He told her.

She nodded distantly and Casey frowned before climbing into the van. Cora shut the doors firmly and checked on her computer as he began to drive.

"I found them." She told him. "They're all Donnie's lame turtle mech fighting Kraang Prime. They're also losing horribly. Turn right."

Casey took a sharp turn to the right, making Cora stumble to the wall. She knelt down next to Leo and gave Casey instructions until he could see Kraang Prime.

"Hold on!" He warned, speeding up.

Cora lunged to the side and wrapped her arms around Leo, keeping him in place as Casey rammed the van into the giant alien.

"This is so metal!" He cheered before the van came to an abrupt halt.

The back doors were thrown open and the others flooded in.

"Hit it!" Raph barked.


Soon enough, they would all find theirselves at April's old farmhouse, miles away from the city. Leo was brought to a bathroom, where he was placed in a tub of water to be kept hydrated.

Cora, feeling like an outsider, stuck around Mikey as often as possible and avoided Raph, who always watched her with suspicious eyes.

She knew better than to provoke him. Mikey told her all about Raph. Well, Mikey told her all about everyone.

Over the days though, Cora decided that she needed to keep herself busy. Donnie was working on medicine for Leo and Casey was fixing a broken truck. The medicine wasn't Cora's forte and she didn't want to hang around Casey, so instead, Cora went out to the woods.

She gathered wood mostly, learning quickly that chopping down a tree was much harder than movies made it look. Cora found a small shack and spent her free time there.

The house was always so tense and quiet without Leo. Mikey made it better, but Cora felt herself less disturbed when she slept out there, so the shack in the woods became her hideaway.

Did anyone mention that Cora was building bombs in there? Because she was. The girl really liked explosives and figured they would be useful when the turtles had to return to New York.

Three long months went by. Raph was striken with grief and Cora, although he did make her nervous at first, couldn't help but pity him.

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