Chapter 1: The Beginning

Start from the beginning

Cora held up her hands, "No! My name is Cora! Mikey knows me!"

Mikey's eyes widened slightly, "What's the password?"

"We don't have a password!"

He frowned, "Only my friends know the password."

"Is it pizza?"

He grinned, "April, Donnie, meet Cora! She's my best friend and Donnie's hacking partner."

"What?" Donnie asked. "How do you two know each other?"

"Long story, um, where are the others? I kind of lost track when I was running for my life." Cora asked Mikey, locking the door.

April led them into her livingroom, where her father was rocking himself back in forth on the couch in terror as his worst nightmares came to life.

"Cora, can you find the guys?" Mikey asked, looking at the girl.

She nodded and pulled out her computer just as Mikey's phone beeped. He pulled it out and grinned.

"Raph just texted me. He and Casey are on their way, being chased by Kraang Prime. Frowny face. Huh. So I guess they'll be a little late." Mikey announced.

Cora cheered, "Found them."

Everyone leaned over her shoulder and watched as she switched from traffic camera to traffic camera, tracking Raph and Casey as they ran and screamed for their lives with a giant Kraang Prime on their tail, mutating everything in it's wake.

"Well that's not good." April stated.

Cora changed screens, "On the plus side, EPF is here."

"Who is EPF?" Donnie asked.

"Earth Protection Forces." Cora answered. "They're kind of like the military."

"Can you trace Leo's phone?" Mikey questioned.


"Why aren't you asking me? The tech genius?" Donnie questioned.

"Because half the time Cora does your work for-" Cora threw a remote at Mikey to shut him up.

"Uh, because your wrist is hurt. He's being nice." She smiled.

Not long after she turned back to the computer, a red dot appeared on a map of the city.

"His phone signal is moving. He's on his way here." She informed them.

Two more figures ran into the room.

"We gotta move. Kraang Prime is stomping this way." Raph announced before stopping suddenly, his eyes finding Cora. "Who is this? April, need I remind you that your last friend was Kraang Subprime and started this whole mess?"

He pulled out his sai and waved it in Cora's face threateningly.

"Actually, Cora is my friend." Mikey told him.

"Your last friend was Bradford and he's tried to kill us on multiple occasions." Raph stated bluntly.

"I'm a spy. I mean- I've been spying on you. Which also sounds bad, but um, uh- Let's focus on current problems. Leo is almost here." She stuttered. "Subprime won't be far behind."

"Why isn't he here?" Raph demanded.

"Long story. Basically-"

Mikey was interrupted as the window suddenly shattered, Leo's unconscious body sliding across the floor roughly and coming to a stop right next to Cora, who was kneeling by her computer.

She, along with everyone else, looking at him in shock, their eyes flickering over his heavily wounded body. Donnie was the first to regain his mind and the others quickly followed, gathering around Leo.

Raph and Mikey grabbed Leo, examining him.

"He's still breathing!" Raph announced.

"Dude, I think his shell is cracked!" Mikey panicked.

A more distant voice split the air, "Come out, turtles! We know you're in there!"

"It's Tigerclaw!" Raph growled.

Cora grabbed her computer and shut it, shoving it into her duffel bag and shoving small boxes into her pockets as the others pulled out their weapons.

"This was not how I wanted us to meet." She muttered quietly.

Two footbots swung into the window and Casey ran forward, knocking them back, but more flooded through.

"This way!" April directed, leading them toward the normal door.

A footbot appeared in her path and Donne threw his staff, stabbing it's head into the wall since Raph was otherwise occupied holding up Leo.

The door outside was flung open and Rahzar appeared, but before he could move, a white couch dropped from the balcony above and landed on him.

"This is for my brother!" Mikey yelled before jumping down and landing next to Cora as everyone began to run again.

Tigerclaw and Fishface followed closely behind them, their footbot's throwing ninja stars as Tigerclaw shot his blaster.

Mikey turned around and threw a smoke egg at them.

"This way!" Mr. O'Neil yelled, leading them to a bright yellow van with a peace sign on the side.

"What the heck is that?" Raph demanded.

"It's my old party wagon." Mr. O'Neil said proudly. "From back in my hipster days. Groovy."

He raised up two fingers for peace, but his grin was quickly wiped away when Kraang Prime appeared and dumped a load of mutagen on him.

"Dad!" April screamed. "Not again!"

"Go!" Raph urged, running into the car and around April's mutated father.

Everyone climbed in and Leo was laid down in the back. Casey drove the van recklessly, but managed to get into a narrow alleyway that Kraang Prime was too large to follow them through.

Donnie leaned over Leo. "Where is Splinter when you need him?"

Raph threw opened the doors, "I don't know, but we've got to find him."

"And what about Leo?" Mikey asked.

"He can stay with me. I'm going back to search for my family." Casey told them.

"I'll stay too." Cora added.

"Okay, but we meet back at this spot." April ordered.

"And Cora?" Raph asked. "If you betray us..."

She nodded gravely and then he shut the door, running after the others. Casey stepped on the pedal, speeding off to find his house.

Cora turned to Leo as he drove, before opening her duffel bag.

"Um, can turtles take penicillin?" She asked Casey.


She shrugged and moved on, tending to Leo's wounds the best that a totally inexperienced teenager could. Cora opened her computer as Casey parked and ran into his apartment to look for his family. It didn't take long for her to locate the turtles.

"Casey?" She called, hearing footsteps approach.

The van doors were flung open and two Kraang stepped forward.

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