Charlie's POV
I wake up to knocking on the door and I groan saying "what?" Goldberg says "were going to get milkshakes, wanna come?" I sigh saying "sure, give me a minute" and Adam comes in as I'm getting dressed. I say "how was practice?" He says "good" smiling and I say "light work, huh?" He says "yeah, didn't even break a sweat" kissing me. I say "show off" and he says "where you going?" I say "milkshakes with the team" and he says "be easy on yourself, baby" smiling and kissing me. I say "what are you doing?" He says "napping" laying in my bed after taking his clothes off and I smile, leaning down to kiss him, and I put my shoes on. As soon as I open my door, Luis says "traitor! Cake eater!" Adam says "shut up, Luis" and I shut the door, sighing. I say "quit it, Luis or I'm not going" and he says "fine" us going to the ice cream place. I get a milkshake and we all spread out across a bunch of booths. I sigh and Averman says "stressed?" I nod and he says "why?" I say "well, my whole team thinks Banks is a traitor for something he can't control. I try to defend him, so I feel kind of caught in the middle and I feel its my fault even though its not" glaring at the whole team. I say "do you know how petty you all look for being like this? Its not like this makes Banks feel great either" quietly. Fulton says "are you saying were being the bad guys?" I say "kinda, yeah" nodding and Connie mumbles "bogie" eyeing the door and all the varsity boys walk in just pushing each other like rowdy boys. I sigh, shaking my head, and Luis mumbles "why do they have to ruin everything?" I mumble "no idea." My heart stops when I see Adam even though I just saw him half an hour ago. Connie mumbles "I'm gonna go beat them up." I say "good luck, ankle biter" and she says "ok, ouch." Adam winks at me and they take the booth right behind me then take the other half of the booths. Adam sits behind me mumbling "hey" and I smile mumbling "hey." I mumble "should've sat on the other side of the room so you don't start anything and so I can stare at you." He chuckles mumbling "whoops." I lean forword and the other guys keep talking and the ducks talk together but separately. Then Rick Riley comes over to the table and I say "I'm surprised you have the nerve to come over here" glaring at him. He says "whatever. The past is the past. Anyway, its tradition for varsity to take junior varsity out for dinner the night before the game. Consider it a welcome to the school" smiling innocently and Adam mouths 'don't go, baby, just ghost' and I say "sure" smiling. Pretending that I'm not pissed at this guy. Everyone agrees with me and both teams ignore each other and when varsity leaves, Rick Riley says "I'm going to mop the ice with you, Conway." I say "I'd like to see that happen." Adam would stand up for me at that point, he may be smaller than Rick but he'd mop the floor with Rick Riley before Rick could even touch me. The thought makes me smile and Adam comes over to me after they walk out. I say "hi" and he makes Luis move in so he can sit across from me. I say "what the hell does he want from me?" Adam says "he's insecure, thinks you'll take his spot even though he's leaving this year anyway." I smile at Adam saying "are you saying I'm better than him?" Adam says "I don't know" and I say "ouch, what's that thing about, the dinner thing?" Adam says "it's in two days and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't go." Luis says "I'm done with you being here, Banks, get out of here, man." I say "stop being a petty bitch" and Adam says "since you're the only one that'll listen to me here and I'm wasting my time, I'll talk to you later?" I nod saying "I've tried" talking about getting them to understand and he says "I know" getting up and leaving, catching up with the rest of his team. I sigh, rubbing my forehead, and we leave about twenty minutes later. I go into my room saying "Adam, what do I do?!" He says "hm?" I say "what do I do?" He stands up saying "come here, baby" and tears just come to my eyes. I just let a sob out and he hugs me tightly mumbling "it's ok, baby" and I just say "but, Adam, what can I do? They don't listen to me if I even mention you. They obviously don't listen to you. How do I get through to them?!" Adam just rubs my back with his warm hands mumbling "breathe, baby." He runs his hand through my hair saying "tell them differently, don't be so nice about if like you are. Be blunt" and I sob saying "I tried! Nothing works." He says "we'll figure something out, baby" kissing my cheek. I just sob saying "Adam! I've tried! What am I supposed to do?" He just comforts me as I yell at him. I say "everything's falling apart" against his chest, tears coming down my cheeks. Adam mumbles "I'm not good at this, what do you want me to do?" I say "just hug me" and he says "do you want me to talk to them?" I say "maybe" shyly and he says "ok" quietly, rubbing my back, and he mumbles "get ready for bed, I'll talk to them." He kisses my cheek and I kiss him slowly. He smiles and says "don't be so hard on yourself, baby" and I quietly say "I know, it's just hard when it feels like everything's falling apart." Adam mumbles "go to bed, I'll talk to them."

In My Bedroom [BXB]{CHARLIE CONWAY X ADAM BANKS}(THE MIGHTY DUCKS)Where stories live. Discover now