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a/n; 10k reads 😩

also- changing my chapter layout a bit lmao


'𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘷𝘴 𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘰𝘯 6'

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they were taking an oddly long time, you wonder why.

you lounge out on sanemi's porch, lazily eating some mochi mitsuri had made for you when you saw obanai casually strolling passed.

you smirk, shoving the last of the mochi in your mouth and hopping over to him.

"yo, yo, yo. where ya' goin'?" you stroll beside him.

he sighs, "i've been sent to assist uzui and the other brats"

you grin, "oo~ that sounds fun, can i tag along?"


"cool! so, how you doin'?"

he groans.

you chatted his ears off the entire way there, you were sure he was going to murder you in a few seconds if you hadn't already arrived in the vicinity of the red light district, which was where the mission had taken place.

your lips part a bit as you adjust your yellow-tinted glasses, "fuckin' hell. they really did a number on this place, huh?"

the area was utterly destroyed. there was no undamaged building in sight.

you stretch your wings a bit, grinning.

"well, it seems the fight is over. i'll fly up and see if i can see anyone"

he just shakes his head, "whatever"

you fly up into the air, flying over into the distance and around to see where they were.

after a bit of flying, you noticed uzui and three women, which were his wife. you were jealous of him, they were hot as fuck.

he was terribly injured.

you fly back over to obanai, lowering yourself a bit.

"they're just over there" you nod in the direction, "hold on!"

"what? AaAH-" obanai shrieks as you pull him up and start to fly him over in the direction.

"put me down!"

kaburamaru snuggles around his neck tighter.

"no can do! it's quicker this way!"

you smirk as obanai glares at you.

you drop yourself both a bit away, obanai shudders a bit as you both walk over in their direction, you hide your wings back under your cloak.

you shake your head at uzui's injuries, his hand and eye were missing and he was bleeding out everywhere.

you sigh as he begins to speak.

he tells you all about how they encountered uppermoon 6 and luckily defeated it.

your eyebrows were raised the entire time,

upper rank 6? that's impressive!

obanai didn't seem to think the same.

"hmm? i see. hmm. six, huh? that would be the lowest of the upper ranks"

you deadpan.

uzui and his wives looked fed up already.

"well, six or not, you still defeated an upper rank. so yes, congratulations are in order. right, six or not. i don't mind offering you my praise"

"well, not that your praise will do anything for me" uzui deadpans.

"that's right!" a girl in a blue revealing outfit and black hair shouts.

"you sure took your time getting here!" a girl with the same outfit in red and brown hair with yellow at the front comments in annoyance.

"y-y-you took too long to get here!" the black haired girl points at the both of you, you sigh.

"way too long!"

she shrieks and cries as kaburamaru hisses at her, "scary!"

obanai points at uzui, "what are you going to do now that you've lost your left hand and eye? how long will it take you to return to duty after battling this lowly upper six? who's goin to fill in for you until then?"

"i'm retiring. there's just no way i can still fight. i'm sure the master will accept that"

you purse your lips.

"don't be ridiculous. i refuse to accept it. as it is, too many youngsters are dying on us before reaching their potential. there's still a vacant hashira spot now that rengoku's gone. even some as uninspiring as you would be better than nothing at all"

you deadpan again.

"battle on until you die"

"nope. there's a youngster who's about to reach his potential for sure"

you raise an eyebrow.

"that young guy you hate"

you raise your eyebrows, smiling.

tanjiro survived? that's great!

"hey... no way. then, he survived?"

nah dawg, he's reaching his full potential from heaven

"this battle? that tanjiro kamado?"

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words ; 728

date posted ; 24/05/22


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