Chapter 22: Wales and Abraham

Start from the beginning

Wales: "Hey Abraham?"

Abraham: "Yeah whats up?"

Wales: "Where's Maryland and them?"

Abraham: "Maryland and the others went back to Fort MacArthur. Barry went to the Sakura Empire while George and Fitzgerlad left to Iron Blood."

Wales: "Oh I see.. It must've been hard on you.."

Abraham: "It was but I know they can handle themselves so I'm not too worried about them."

Wales: "But you'll miss them.."

Abraham: "Yeah but they'll come to visit every now and then. However, the only thing that I should be more worried about is you."

Wales: "What makes you say that?"

Abraham: "You're always working but you should try to relax every now and then."

Wales: "I am relaxed..."

Abraham: "Really now..?"

As soon as he said those words, I felt him press his fingers against my shoulders quite hard, hitting my tensed up shoulders in which felt quite painful.

Wales: "Ah! Dont do that!"

Abraham: "Stressed out.. Feels pain.. You're not relaxed at all.."

Wales: "Fine! I'm not! Just don't do that again!"

I blushed with a bit of embarrassment as Abraham chuckled. I then hit him in the arm before entering my room to refreshen and to change clothes. Instead of wearing my red and white outfit, I decided to wear a dark blue skirt and a dark blue blouse to go with it as I noticed Abraham was wearing a dark blue attire. I then stepped out to see Abraham looking at me.

Wales: "Ready!"

I looked at Abraham and noticed he hasn't said anything but rather staring at me. I gently reached out to him and shook him a little.

Wales: "Uhm Abraham..?"

Abraham: "Huh?"

Wales: "You were spaced out.. Everything okay?"

Abraham: "Yeah everything was okay until you stepped out of your room with those clothes..."

Wales: "Is something wrong with my clothes..?"

I looked down a bit, thinking Abraham didn't like my outfit matching his. Maybe he didn't like what I was wearing.

Wales: "I'll go change it.."

I was about to turn to go back into my room before I felt him hug me. I was a bit confused and so I looked at him.

Abraham: "Your outfit is amazing.. Sorry for not saying this earlier but It makes you look good.. Well rather hot.."

I blushed darkly and I looked at him, feeling a little flustered before I gently wrapped my arms around him, holding the embrace for a bit longer. After a while, I then broke the hug and I smiled.

Wales: "Lets get going otherwise our day would end sooner than we want it to."

Abraham: "Right!"

I took his hand into mine and we began to leave the dorms together. I took a few glances at him before deciding to rest my head on his arm, enjoying the moments we had without anyone around.

An hour later

(Abraham POV)

We were out in the city, buying some stuff. I decided to buy a few outfits for myself rather than just keeping navy outfits and my admiral uniforms as they seemed to be a bit out of place whenever I went somewhere. Wales on the other hand, was buying outfits such as dresses, new uniforms and even a black outfit I have never seen before. We spent the time walking down what seemed to be a pier and I looked towards the ocean, noticing it was becoming the afternoon.

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