Chapter 21

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Wales: "Okay.. I'll see you later.."


(Abraham's POV)

I was sitting down in a chair on the bridge of my carrier. I was doing the patrol that Wales ordered me to do however I still felt bored but I knew I wasn't allowed to do anything. I decided to patrol a large area around the base that would at least take a few hours to do. I thought for a few moments and launched an E-2 Hawkeye before activating my AN/SPS-48E 3-D and AN/SPS-49(V)5 2-D air search radar just as a safety procaution.

Abraham: "Even when the war has ended amongst us and the others, we still have to worry about those damn sirens.."

I stood up before looking at my radars, not seeing anything pop up. I then closed my eyes and began to look through the E-2 Hawkeye to see anything out of the ordinary in which there was nothing. I opened up my eyes and I left the bridge, heading to the flight deck to check on my aircraft.

2 hours later

Abraham: "Well everything is still good to go. Now lets see if my radars picked up anything.."

I walked up to the bridge and checked my radars, seeing nothing before looking through the E-2 Hawkeye, seeing nothing again but as I was going to recall the E-2 Hawkeye, I noticed a storm suddenly brewing out in the distance.

Abraham: "Was there always a storm there? Well, time to go investigate."

I sent the E-2 Hawkeye towards it, noticing nothing was abnormal about the storm but the waves were getting bigger and it began to heavily rain. I used the E-2 Hawkeye to continue looking through the storm, finding nothing as it was just a normal storm coming through.

Abraham: "Better make sure everything is secured because those waves do not look friendly.."

I had everything strapped down to the flight deck and I recalled the E-2 Hawkeye as I didn't want to leave it out for too long, especially if the storm was going to last for a few hours. Soon I had entered the storm, feeling the waves crash against my carrier as it rained heavily. I stood in my bridge looking out to the ocean as my radars were still working.

Abraham: "Still nothing.."

As soon as those words left my lips, my radar picked something up and I looked at it. I saw nothing on the ocean's surface and so I decided to do a radar scan, getting the same reading that I had before before noticing that my radars had picked something up from under the water. I stopped my carrier as I located the object.

Abraham: "What is that..?"

I was still looking at my radar before deciding to go investigate by myself. I went down to my quarters, changing my uniform out for something that was more expendable. I then went and left my carrier, jumping into the water to go check it out.

(Few hours later)

(Wales POV)

Its been a while since I last saw Abraham. He was supposed to be done a while ago yet I didn't see him or get a report from him. I then called South Dakota into my office and I looked at her.

Wales: "South Dakota, where's Abraham?"

South Dakota: "I haven't seen him return either. Maybe he's still doing his patrol."

Wales: "Maybe or is he avoiding me? What if he's upset with me..?"

South Dakota: "Why would he be upset with you?"

Wales: "From earlier.. What if he got himself hurt again?"

South Dakota: "Stop worrying too much, Wales. It's Abraham we're talking about. He'll be just fine."

Azur Lane: The Battle Of HumanityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora